New Stuff

Worship Tech Web Tools Blog

4192093_illustration.gifThis is an ongoing blog of web tools and technology related to worship, music and church. The idea is to give you good web points and resources that you can go to. Some of it is just me cruising the net, others are favorites of friends.

Enjoy what you see here.  If you find an interesting, useful and technology related site or resource that deals with helping worship or musicians in general, please send us a note and we will check it out. Perhaps we can feature it here.


Enjoy! - Kim Gentes

Entries in windows (5)

Finding, Downloading, and Installing MSDN Library for VB6 on Modern Windows (Kim Gentes/Worship Tech Blog)

If you have had to regress to installing Visual Basic 6 studio on your modern Windows OS (Windows 7, 8 or such) to support or maintain some older software, you will quickly remember the ease of the integrated MSDN library that came as part of the embedded help you could install with VB6.  Today, if you do not have the original discs that the MSDN library came on, it can be next to impossible to figure out where to get the right version MSDN help that works with VB6, and once you have it, how to install it best for your VB6 use.

This is just a quick guide to help you locate where to download it, get it installed and up and running with your VB6 studio.  The guide has 4 main sections:

  1. Downloading the MSDN Library
  2. Extracting the MSDN Library
  3. Installing the MSDN Library
  4. Test the MSDN Library with VB6

Download the MSDN Library for Visual Basic 6

If you already have the downloaded MSDN library from Oct 2001, skip ahead to the appropriate section and follow the extraction/installation instructions as appropriate. If you don't have anything, read this guide through completely and you will be able to download, extract and install the MSDN library for VB 6.

To legally download the MSDN Library for VB 6, you must be a paid Visual Studio Subscriber. You cannot get access to the oldest archived MSDN Libraries (this one is from 2001) without a paid level Visual Studio subscription (formerly called MSDN subscription).

Let me pause for a moment-- YES, you can download the MSDN Library 2001 edition from other non-legit sources around the internet. But I do not, and will not, recommend that. Three reasons: 1) It's illegal. 2) Those sites often are simply hackers using the bait of "free downloads" to get a virus installed on your computer. and 3) I have looked at a number of those sites claiming to archive this specific download and all of them exclude some part of the MSDN Oct 2001 Library from their download chunks- that is, it is missing some part that makes it incomplete.  You can hassle and try to figure out if you have all the parts, if they are legit, if they are filled with viruses and if they will work. Or, you can simply use a legit Visual Studio subscription.  

I have tried using the free Visual Studio account that anyone can get (Visual Studio Dev Essentials), but it doesn't allow access to the MSDN October 2001 Library (or any of the older MSDN Library downloads from what I can see).  I was able to access it via Professional, Test and Enterprise level subscriptions.

Once you have your Visual Studio subscription login, then you can go to the download location quickly:

STEP 1: When you click on this link, MS will force you to login to your Visual Studio account.  You must use your Visual Studio Subscriber Login to access this link: 

STEP 2: You should see the "2001-10 MSDN Library October" shown in the download results.  You will note the bold, blue box that says "Download". Click that box to reveal your download options.

STEP 3:To get the full MSDN library to work with your VB6 Studio, download the "MSDN Library October 2001 - Full Setup (English)" (this file will be called "en_msdn_library_october2001_dvd.exe"). Alternatively, you can download 3 separate ISO files for CD-ROMs. NOTE: the total download is about 1.2Gb so it will take 20 minutes or so on a 1Mb/sec connection


Extract the MSDN Library Installation

STEP 1: Go the location where the download is located.

STEP 2: Double click the file "en_msdn_library_october2001_dvd.exe" and run it. It will open a WinZip extractor application.

STEP 3: Click "Unzip" and the MSDN Library install files will be extracted to the directory you selected.

STEP 4: Once completed, click "OK" on the WinZip completed dialog (should show something like 18981 files extracted). Then close "Close" on the WinZip Self-extractor app.

STEP 5: In the directory in which the files were extracted you should now see a complete Setup.exe and associated files and directories.


Install the MSDN Library

STEP 1: Double click the "setup.exe" file and it will begin the install of the MSDN Library

STEP 2: Welcome Screen - click continue.

STEP 3: Name & Org - Enter what you'd like, click OK

STEP 4: Confirm Name & Org - Click OK

STEP 5: Product ID Screen - Click OK

STEP 6: License Agreement - Click "I Agree"

STEP 7: Choose Install - In most cases, you can choose Typical, however, if you are just installing MSDN Library for VB6 usage, choose Custom

STEP 8: Options List - Choose the first 3 options in the custom install, and scroll down to select any other portions you wish to install of the library. Click "Continue"

STEP 9: Desktop Shortcut - click Yes or No, whatever you would like.

STEP 10: Let the MSDN Library install run. It may take several moments.

STEP 11: Install Complete - Click OK

Test the MSDN Library with VB6

Now, when you run VB6, you can use F1 on any location in your code and VB context help will expand and link instantly as appropriate.

Worship Backing Band - Musicademy (Kim Gentes/ Worship Tech Blog)

For twenty years I have been involved in worship ministry in local churches. It has been from both a sense of joy and calling that someone does that. In that time, I have had the opportunity to be involved in churches from 20-500 people, including two church plants and 3 established churches. Along the way, I've been invited to lead at various places with groups ranging from 10 to 1000 and more. Every context is unique and leading worship through music for each context means that you need the right tools and resources. 

In many situations, having a compliment of skilled musicians for a full band is not possible. Church plants, special events, youth nights and other situations sometimes leave you standing there with your guitar, playing away, worshiping your heart out. I believe that God is honored when we give Him everything we have each time we worship- our surrendered hearts are what He looks for (Psalm 51:17). That being said, as your community is gathering you can sometimes find yourself with parts of a band (such as a drummer and keyboardist, but no bassist). These people are ready to serve, but it would be helpful to be able to "sub" in that missing player until a person arrives at your church who can serve in that role.

Enter "Worship Backing Band" (WBB for short). A couple years ago, I noticed that a number of these software tools were releasing to supplement musical tracks for musicians in local church settings. I had known the folks at Musicademy because of the great training resources they released over the years (which I had tried and reviewed favorably). So I knew I wanted to check out there new "Worship Backing Band" software at some point.

The version I was able to download is the latest (1.5) and it comes available for the Mac or PC. I choose to do my testing and using it on both a PC and a Macbook Pro so I could get the feel for both environments interactions. Downloading and installing it was simple enough. Once installed, I went and acquired a few songs to do my testing (I chose "Bless The Lord/10000 Reasons", "How Can I Keep from Singing", "Let God Arise" and "You Alone Can Rescue"). The model for this is that you purchase the player for $25 (it always comes with one free song of the month), and then you purchase individual songs that you need (priced from $8.99 down to $6.91, depending on how many songs you buy).  Compared to the hundreds of dollars you might spend on Ableton Live (which I have and use, as well) on just the software, this is very, very affordable.

Once you download and install all the songs, you are ready to use the software. The nice thing about the software is that using it on PC or Mac is identical. The interface and functionality is replicated perfectly. Using the system is, above all, simple! The right pane of the application contains a playlist for the songs you want to use in your worship set. You load songs into it by clicking on the "library" button and exposing the songs available to you in the middle pane from your library. Drag and drop the songs from the middle library pane into your playlist on the right. 

On the left side pane is a mix control panel for each of the instrument tracks in the song. Everything from lead voice, background vocals, acoustic guitar, electric guitars (2 tracks), keyboards (2 tracks), bass, drums and couple of click tracks (regular and shaker) are available. There is even a vocal cue track.

Here is how you use it: 

  1. First, select the "mute" button for any instruments that you have in your band. (leaving un-muted any tracks you wish to play out loud with your band). Make sure to save your song "mix" by using the "Save Song Mix". 
  2. In the middle pane, adjust the pitch and tempo to your desired settings for your band.
  3. Click Play.

Basically, 90% of what you will want to do with WBB is covered by those instructions. However, you can adjust the volume for any track if you want more/less of any instrument. As the song plays, you can also jump to or repeat sections using keyboard keys "<>" and "g". The beauty of this tool is that it is clear, simple, and easy to use. If you use a PC or Mac laptop, and want an easy-to-use software package for adding virtual instruments to your regular band members, you should really look at Worship Backing Band.

Once it was installed, I grabbed my guitar and was ready to go within just 30 seconds using this software and my Macbook Pro. While there are no advanced features for saving the segment flow of a song (only the mix), or for adding your own custom tracks, this program allows you to do what you minimally want to do.  Musicademy has over 125 popular worship songs in their purchasable song library for your church, which would be 90% of the common songs used by many churches. That along with the the minimalist approach on the interface of this tool makes Worship Backing Band simple, clear and easy-to-use. The nice thing is, you don't have to spend any money to try WBB out. Musicademy has a functional demo version of the software that you can download for Mac or PC. Below is a summary video that is all the instruction I needed to get going and use WBB. 

If you want to try out Worship Backing Band, go here and check out the details, download the demo and see the song library: Worship Backing Band


NEW WBB 2.0 Update: After I had completed the initial review of version 1.5, I was able to get a sneak peek at the latest update to WBB version 2.0.  This new version comes with a number of significant updates for those who want more power and control. It is important to note that the new Worship Backing Band software (v2.0) will be called "MultiTrack Pro Wav Player". The current version will still be available for those wanting the current functionality and not needing anything else.  The main updates I found bring the player up to another level of helpfulness for the local church worship leader. Here are the highlights:

  • Seamless Loop & Navigate - Now you can seamlessly loop and jump through song sections. Want to do the chorus again? Now it is easy in "MultiTrack Pro Wav Player". The player automatically queues up the exact right spot to jump back to the start of any section, so it feels musically seamless. You could navigate sections in v1.5 but you had to perfectly time the keystroke required to do so, which is almost impossible if you are also playing an instrument (even with a pedal) and leading a congregation. Now, looping, section navigation and such all keep the song together and flowing like a real band would.
  • Save Section Structure - like the above navigation, you can also save the song flow instead of having to remember your customizations.
  • USB foot pedal support - you can now navigate through a song by controling the player from a USB foot pedal. Great update.
  • Audio WAV Hi-quality- the tracks are now full WAV files and as such have more control and clarify of audio.
  • Customize your own instrument tracks - you can now load your own WAV files into a song by importing them. Got your drum loop or track you want to use? Just hit CTRL-m on a song and you can now load your instrument as part of the song mix. Great for more advanced users.

All in all this "MultiTrack Pro Wav Player" update is great. Be sure to check out Worship Backing Band.


Review by Kim Gentes


Accessing Background Screen-Saver Images from a Feed in Windows 7 (Kim Gentes/Worship Tech Blog)

If you have Windows 7 you may be using the feed feature to update a constant stream of background images to keep your desktop fresh.  If you are like me, occasionally a family member sees your background image and wants to use it, but they don't want to be on a feed for changing it regular. Or maybe you just love the background image and want to save it and make it your permanent image. Windows 7 allows you to access images in such a feed, and then you can save them offline for permanent setting.  Here is how.

First, move your cursor to your desktop and click the right-mouse button. This will reveal a context mini-menu.

From that menu, select "Personalize" (normally, the last option). This will open up the Control Panel applet for personalization. One of the themes in use will be selected. If you want to access pictures from any other place than the current one in use, select that theme now.

At the bottom of the applet frame you will see an icon labele "Desktop Background" with the words "Slide Show" undernearth.  Select that link.

This will open up the library of images in the theme/feed you are interested in. Scroll down to the image you are interested in and right-mouse click the image. If your theme is a feed from the internet, this will bring up a security warning.

Select "OK" if you get the security warning (assuming your image feed/theme is secure and ok). 

This will bring up another mini-menu. Select the "Preview" option on the mini-menu. 

This will open the image in the Windows Preview browser.

Use the "File" menu on the Windows Preview application. Use the "Make Copy" option and save a copy of the image file to your desired location. 

You now have a copy of the desktop image from your theme or feed.


Kim Gentes

Windows Phone: Intuitive, Simple, Brilliant. (Jordan Gentes/Worship Tech Blog)

Editor's Note: This tech blog entry is made by Jordan Gentes, a cell phone expert who is also a web support technician for  Jordan has spent years studying phones, from various companies, carriers and plans and the depth of cell networks and technologies.  When he says something about cell phones, I listen, because he is speaking from more experience and knowledge than anyone I know on the topic. ---Kim Gentes, Editor


Windows Phone 7.5 Review
HTC Trophy

by Jordan Gentes

Microsoft’s new phone platform Windows Phone7.5 is intuitive, simple, and brilliant.  Wait, did you just use those three words in the same sentence as Microsoft and Windows?  Yes, I did.  This new development by Microsoft brings an important piece to the mobile environment.

Intuitive: The OS its-self is very intuitive.  When you power on the display you are welcomed to live tiles that are beautiful and easy to understand.  Gone are the days of cluttered notification bars and crowded clusters of apps.  Windows Phone ushers in a day of relevant information that updates seamlessly.

  • People:  The ability to sync your contacts with external email accounts and Facebook are standard in the “smartphone world”.  Some phones settle for simply syncing photos and other contact information.  Windows Phone goes to the next level with a deep Facebook integration.  Now I can locate my contact in my People section and I am presented with the contacts’ Information, What’s New (On their FB wall, statuses, posts etc.), Pictures (feed from FB), and the History I have with that contact, from Texts, to missed calls, all of my interaction with that contact is stored in an easy and convenient location.

Simple: With the introduction of live tiles the Windows Phone OS is super simple to navigate.  The OS is attractive to all ages, something that neither iOS nor Android can say.  This OS provides an enjoyable user interface that is simple, but powerful. 

  • Messaging: Windows Phone has done a great job consolidating text and Facebook messaging into a convenient and seamless process.  You can start a conversation with someone via text and continue the messaging on Facebook if they were to login while you were in conversation or vice versa. 

Brilliant: Windows Phone is brilliant; so many functions that users count on daily are built into the framework of the user experience.

  • Windows Key: Probably one of my favorite features of the OS, hold the Windows Key, for two seconds and you are greeted with options to speak commands to the phone.  Texting, Searching, and launching apps are just a few of the options that are made possible by this feature.  And what do you know, it works!  If you speak clearly, it will understand the overwhelming majority of what you are saying, I have yet to say something clearly and have it misunderstand my instructions.  Try that Android.. 
  • E-mail: I love the email client on the Windows Phone OS.  You can add most popular email services to sync with your phone.  This is a great thing for the user; I can’t tell you how frustrating it is that you can only sync Gmail (other than Exchange) with Android.  Microsoft’s decision to allow their users to sync Yahoo, Windows Live, or Gmail is very pleasing. 
  • Search:  When you click the search button, you are greeted with more than just a traditional search.  Built into the “Search” is 4 icons at the bottom of the screen, one that finds local attractions near to your location, a music note that within seconds of touching finds your song (bye, bye Shazam),  an eye ball that scans barcodes, QR Codes, Microsoft tags, Books, CD’s and DVD’s.  I love that they have taken the time to add those recourses to the Search, no more need for 10 different apps to perform the various functions.  It’s clean, and it just works! 
  • Apps: While the Marketplace for Windows Phone continues to grow, it is certainly newer to the market then iOS or Android.  With that “new comer” status there are less apps available.  However, due to the deep integration of features already provided in the OS I found my need for additional apps to be much lower.  Nonetheless, I found most popular apps available on the other platforms were available one Windows Phone.  To be frank, I found all the apps I wanted to use were available, however, to be fair I did want to mention the reality that the app selection is not as populous at this moment on Windows Phone. 


This particular review was conducted on an HTC Trophy, however, yet another thing I love about Windows Phone is every phone gets updates, meaning everyone has a congruent user experience.  The battery life on this particular device is incredible (for a smartphone) I easily go the entire day with no problems.  On one day of very heavy usage I got a low battery warning at 15 hours, however, on a normal usage day (that would involve several emails, 100-150 text messages, 30 minutes on the phone, and some casual internet browsing) the phone still had 40-50% battery remaining at 15 hours.  Battery usage will vary by device somewhat, however, the OS manages power quite efficiently.  Windows Phone is a true representation of a modern mobile experience.  Windows Phone is clean and it’s such an inviting user interface that I am confident anyone would enjoy the experience. 


Amazon Product Link: HTC Trophy Windows Phone



Fixes For The Thumbnail Generation Error With Facebook "Link" (Kim Gentes / Worship Tech Blog)

Facebook is fast becoming the hub of our online activity, as both personal and organizational communications are often easier to do through Facebook than almost any other mechanism. Need to talk to relatives? Use Facebook. Have to organize a church small group? Making a Facebook group is a cheap, and effective method to factiliate communications. Want to reach customers for your business? Facebook pages and apps are becoming very important.

One of the most effective methods of quickly getting information out on Facebook is to "Link" an external page into Facebook, on a wall post or in a group or Page.  Facebook nicely slurps up a summary of the external web page, blog or site and creates a thumbnail and header for the link that is easy for people to quickly see what the link is for.  But there is a problem. Facebook sometimes cannot understand images that appear on external sites when the image or web page does not have interprettable or compatible properties.  You will see the webpage text summary in the link preview, but not the image. It will looking something like this:

If the page had images and you don't see the image as a thumbnail option in the above preview, you will know there was a problem with the page or the image being interpretted correctly by Facebook.

If you try to link to an external page to post your link on Facebook and you find your image does NOT show up in the link summary, here are a few things you can try to get Facebook to slurp your image and place a thumbnail for your link in Facebook.

  • Standard Path and Filenames - Facebook interprets linked pages by use of its own webcrawling tools (called lint, but more about that later). When its tools read your website to grab information and images, it wants to see standard URLs for images.  If your image path inside of your webpage includes any spaces (either in the pathname or the filename), Facebook can fail the image slurp and hence you will not see a thumbnail.
  • Website Errors - if your webpage has errors in interpretation, Facebook may fail to slurp it up properly and hence you will not see a proper summary or thumbnail. This might confuse you since your browser will appear to render the page proper- but Facebook won't like it. This is because most browsers have built in an excessive amount of forgiveness in their rendering schemes- meaning that they are able to pass over errors in the webpage and still render the rest of the webpage, despite the errors. You can check how Facebook is interpretting any link you provide it by using it's interpretation engine. Its interpretation engine is called Lint (which is actually a tool brought forward from the Unix world for many years). Here is the link to test your webpage interpretation on Facebook Lint :
  • Remove slashes from webpage links to Facebook - if you submit you may be in danger of Facebook having problems with interpretting the site correctly. Facebook prefers you submit links without ending "/"- hence submit instead.
  • Link Relative Image Tagging - to help Facebook Lint understand where images are, you can give it instructions by embedding your webpage with directives on where the images will be located, even before the image reference appears in the main HTML code of the page. To do this, simply include this format of a statement in the head section of your webpage
     <link rel="image_src" href="" />
    (of course, replace the path name and image filename with your real image path information)
  • Image Size - one thing that Facebook likes is reasonably proportional images. Specifically, it does not like banner type (wide/short) images.  If you have an image that is too wide (and short), it will dislike trying to thumbnail it. But an image that is tall and thin is much more agreeable to Facebook.  See below we have provided two images. If you use Facebook to Link to this blog entry, you will notice that it only likes the tall image, and doesn't like the wide image-- you will only be given the option to use the tall image as a thumbnail selections (along with the other two images in this post). Where you should see 4 images available as thumbnails, you will only see 3 from this post. This is an example of Facebook's finicky behavior regarding image sizes.

Taller / Narrow Image

Wider / Short Image

I wish I could tell you that Facebook is consistent with all the things it does, but frankly, it just isn't.  Try each of the above fixes to see what your particular situation might be.  There are several other articles out there that deal with meta data tagging and image specifications, but I have found that they are rarer cases, though important to look at.  For more information on addressing this issue of thumbnails in Facebook links, this is a good all around article to read:


Happy Facebook linking!

Kim Gentes