This is an ongoing blog of web tools and technology related to worship, music and church. The idea is to give you good web points and resources that you can go to. Some of it is just me cruising the net, others are favorites of friends.
Enjoy what you see here. If you find an interesting, useful and technology related site or resource that deals with helping worship or musicians in general, please send us a note and we will check it out. Perhaps we can feature it here.
Enjoy! - Kim Gentes
Editor's Note: This tech blog entry is made by Jordan Gentes, a cell phone expert who is also a web support technician for WorshipTeam.com. Jordan has spent years studying phones, from various companies, carriers and plans and the depth of cell networks and technologies. When he says something about cell phones, I listen, because he is speaking from more experience and knowledge than anyone I know on the topic. ---Kim Gentes, Editor
by Jordan Gentes
Microsoft’s new phone platform Windows Phone7.5 is intuitive, simple, and brilliant. Wait, did you just use those three words in the same sentence as Microsoft and Windows? Yes, I did. This new development by Microsoft brings an important piece to the mobile environment.
Intuitive: The OS its-self is very intuitive. When you power on the display you are welcomed to live tiles that are beautiful and easy to understand. Gone are the days of cluttered notification bars and crowded clusters of apps. Windows Phone ushers in a day of relevant information that updates seamlessly.
Simple: With the introduction of live tiles the Windows Phone OS is super simple to navigate. The OS is attractive to all ages, something that neither iOS nor Android can say. This OS provides an enjoyable user interface that is simple, but powerful.
Brilliant: Windows Phone is brilliant; so many functions that users count on daily are built into the framework of the user experience.
This particular review was conducted on an HTC Trophy, however, yet another thing I love about Windows Phone is every phone gets updates, meaning everyone has a congruent user experience. The battery life on this particular device is incredible (for a smartphone) I easily go the entire day with no problems. On one day of very heavy usage I got a low battery warning at 15 hours, however, on a normal usage day (that would involve several emails, 100-150 text messages, 30 minutes on the phone, and some casual internet browsing) the phone still had 40-50% battery remaining at 15 hours. Battery usage will vary by device somewhat, however, the OS manages power quite efficiently. Windows Phone is a true representation of a modern mobile experience. Windows Phone is clean and it’s such an inviting user interface that I am confident anyone would enjoy the experience.
Amazon Product Link: HTC Trophy Windows Phone