WorshipTeam.com updated its service to add a nice new feature for those who love using chord charts and songs from WorshipTeam.com.
For iPad or android tablet owners, check out the new "perform" function now online in the new UI on the mobile site. The goal of the "Perform" button is to allow you to have a simple, clean interface with readable chord charts displayed allowing you to page through them, just like you would for a physical songbook on a music stand. Great for use on a stage, in a small group or at home practicing. Your service/set is ready to go without having to print anything off. Here is is how to try it out --
The music perform function works great on iPads used as music stands (as can be done easily b mounts like iKlip (http://www.ikmultimedia.com/iklip/features/), GigEasy (http://www.thegigeasy.com/) or Griffin iPad music stand mounts (http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/mic-stand-mount).
The music perform function is free with WorshipTeam.com and does not cost extra. Any WorshipTeam.com user can use this function.
bless you!
Kim Gentes
Reader Comments (2)
This is sweet!
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