Those that use Apple iOS devices will be happy to know that WorshipTeam.com (the online worship planner) has come out with a new app for those devices. I highlight it below, in a quote from the WorshipTeam.com recent announcement.
WorshipTeam.com is very pleased to announce the release of our new iOS app, for the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch devices.
WorshipTeam.com is still the only FULLY featured and legal worship planning site with thousands of songs included with your subscription fees at no extra cost. We hope this free iPhone/iPad/iTouch app helps you and your team with their planning and songs experience with Worshipteam.com. If you are on your iOS device, download and install the app for free right here: http://itunes.apple.com/app/worshipteam-com/id409144474?mt=8
Kim Gentes
p.s. if you have never tried out Worshipteam.com, try it FREE for one month by simply going here: http://www.worshipteam.com/try ! See you there. And YES- your free trial subscription INCLUDES full use of the iPhone, iPad, iTouch app!
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