Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
"You can have Your way
You can have Your way
You can have Your way... "
...this is the naturally supernatural chant that serves as the introit to bring in the lyrical and musical masterpiece that is "Dwell", the new release from Vineyard Music USA. "Dwell" as a musical offering is nothing short of phenomenal, leaving me at a loss to find an album I've liked more in the last 5 years. We will come back to examining the song content, but before that, we have to talk seriously about resourcing the church in worship. In the last several years, I have listened to literally hundreds of praise and worship CDs. A couple of years ago I began to develop a secret "wish list" of what I would consider the "perfect" way to put together a worship project and present it for use to the body of Christ in a music release. Here is that list:
This list came out of seeing so many projects out there, often lacking in some way from having gone "half-way" with any one of the important items mentioned. I am delighted to say that "Dwell" is the first album I have found that to tackle that complete list-and it achieves amazing results.
The intro song and title track, Dwell, is a lyrical epiphany of prayer and scripture woven onto a gorgeous tapestry of instrumentation and enthralling 6/8 rhythm. It reminds us, as all great songs do, that the most evocative renderings of the heart come in simple, succinct, well spoken truths. I can scarcely go a day when these words don't ring in my thoughts:
"Dwell in the midst of us
Come and dwell in this place
Dwell in the midst of us
Come and have Your way"
The remaining two sections of the song are even more poignant, but I will leave them for you to discover (to your delight). I could rant on about this song, but I am convinced that simply allowing you to listen to this song (which you can do online) will be plenty enough to convince you. Plus, the great songs on this album begin with Dwell, and run through nearly every selection included on this project. From Dwell to the amazing upbeat favorite More Than Ever, to the wonderful ballad So In Need, and on through, no "filler" songs made it on this album. To understand what has happened with Vineyard Music USA on this recording, I talked to producer Casey Corum and found that they took a full 2 and a half years collecting the best songs (out of many hundreds) and letting this album grow into the offering that it is today. In my opinion, this is the best collection of new Vineyard songs on a single album since the 1987 release of Glory. If the new direction of Vineyard Music USA is to wait and release an album every 2 years, with this kind of quality, I applaud them! It will take me over a year to introduce my congregation to all the great songs I want to use from off of this CD, anyways!
For just a brief moment, I have to mention the amazing musicianship on this CD. You can read the liner notes for yourself, but consider for a moment that this CD uses the best musicians connected with Vineyard Music from around the world. This serves up a truly great album in a way that it will be listened to again and again to anyone who lends an ear.
The coup de grace for the Dwell project doesn't actually come from the audio CD itself. Even though the CD includes chord charts, lyric masters on a CD-ROM format, the real resourcing is placed on to the 6 Gigabyte monstrosity of a DVD that they have called a "Dwell Toolbox". It might be more aptly titled, the "Dwell Toolshed" or the "Dwell Home-Improvement Super Store of Worship Resources", but I suppose that doesn't exactly roll off the tongue like "Dwell Toolbox". Let me explain! The DVD comes FREE with the album when you buy the CD, and this may come off as good and bad. Good, because you get resources that are the best I have seen for any worship project released ever. Bad, because I worry that most people will think that anything free must not be worth selling on its own. But that would absolutely not be the case with the Dwell Toolbox DVD. Here is what the toolbox contains:
The truth is, Vineyard could have packaged this whole project into 3 separate products- audio CD, concert DVD and musicians toolbox DVD. But they chose to put it all together into one package and sell it as part of the regular CD offering. This is not only an amazing service to the body of Christ, but it is done with an amazing album.
I would have given the Dwell audio CD alone an Editor's Choice award, but with the inclusion of the incredible DVD toolbox, I am at a loss as to how to more greatly honor this project. The only thing not included in this massive data overload of CD/CD-ROM/DVD bliss is full piano/vocal/guitar scored sheet music, but alas they have taken care of that on a separate songbook (which even includes guitar tab!).
How else can I say it- regardless of who you are you should seriously consider the amazing Dwell album from Vineyard Music USA. If you are still a skeptic, listen to the audio of this album online and you will hear what I mean. Buy the project and watch the DVD, and you will see what I mean!
Product Link Dwell
Kim Anthony Gentes