Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
As I have mentioned before, when we do reviews it is normally only for full album projects, not singles. But we must make exception where it is due. And with this new song by Jeremy Riddle, trust me friends- it is due.
The song "The Lord Is My Shepherd" is a new single just releasing from Vineyard Music. I discovered this new song at WorshipTeam.com (which adds all the new music from Vineyard and most other worship publishers as they release). If you aren't a WorshipTeam.com member, you can find the song on Vineyard's site at Vineyard Resources. Let's talk about this new song.
The song is obviously a lyrical reference to Psalm 23, and the chorus relies on this image of God providing for us and bringing us to safe waters to satisfy our souls. The chorus, using this sharpened theme from David's psalm, is melodic, infectious and even rhythmic. Lyrical purists will note the 3rd to 1st person voice change that happens throughout the chorus, though it remains thoroughly first person for the rest of the the song. This is normally a faux pas for songwriting, but it works in a unique way here to reference the classic rendering of the scripture ("The Lord is my Shepherd") giving it an anchor to our tradition, and as an implied voice to call others to notice the provision of God.
The Lord is my Shepherd and I'll want for nothing
You lead me to water for You know I'm thirsting
And I I'm only satisfied
By You by You
Riddle's songwriting here is marvelously in stride with the tension of reality- that we live in the knowledge of God's provision and the need for it to satisfy the very human thirst of our souls.
The music and the lyrics are punctual and poignant, capturing the essence of what it means to both need God in the "pain in my life" and to declared to Him that "You are there". But ultimately, the song returns to rest in God not only providing the provision, but being the provision, as Riddle sings "You are the water for my soul".
I will say it clearly- this is Jeremy Riddle's best song. It is blissful, articulate writing, and wonderful soaring music. Not contrived, the song lives in itself and doesn't try to solve anything beyond the scope of its theme. Perfect.
Likewise, the arrangement and execution by Jeremy is dead on. The music doesn't climb off of the song and overcome it. Some of the previous tracks on Riddle's other albums became so enamored with Jeremy's souring vocals they would run roughshod over songs which had no right being "wall of sound" anthems. That does not happen here. His voice is first and it stays out front. He climbs to some extremely high notes and sings like he means it. This is Vineyard's best radio ready single- ever. If this doesn't climb past the radio popularity of Sweetly Broken, I will be surprised.
That said, I have one problem with the song- it is a great radio single. The notes of his excalamatory aria, especially on the second and third choruses, are brilliant but absolutely remove the song (in this form) from possible congregational use. This single is in the right key for congregational singing (G), but when Riddle explodes into his falsceto, he leaves all hope for this arrangement being used in local churches. Vineyard will need to produce a crisp arrangement for local churches to use this song, perhaps removing the extensive "by You, by You" throw offs that make this a great listening radio single.
Worship leaders, worshipers and musicians- check out this new song. It is excellent!
Available at WorshipTeam.com (for subscribers).
Also available for purchase at Vineyard Resources
The Lord is my shepherd! Yes, Lord!
In Him,
Kim Gentes
Does anyone remember what a worship CD is? The last several years, it seemed like the "Christian Music" industry had missed the point. Endless collections, remixed cover songs and CCM bands trying to detour into worship leading (but quickly moving back to performance model when the "worship thing" dried up) showed a clear misunderstanding of the foundations of what worship and praise was all about.
If you have felt (like me) disappointed by several popular CDs in the last few years, welcome you back to what a worship project should be- "Playlist: Stand In Awe" from Vineyard Music. One of the original vanguards of resourcing the church in worship, Vineyard has stayed true to its roots with great songs, while making continued strides in progressive musical production and sound with its arrangements and musicianship. The essence of a great worship song is its ability to resonate with the heart-cry of the worshiper. The "Stand In Awe" project is a wonderful set of worship songs that resonate clearly with followers of Christ.
From the opening song, Vineyard brings some of its best young voices singing its best new songs, presented with its best studio production values. Normally known for its great live recordings, Vineyard Music has its second studio production (following up from last year's "Sweetly Broken") that marks a new era of excellence for them under producer Casey Corum. Add to Casey's great production some outsanding vocals by Jeremy Riddle, Steve Jones and Charlie Hines and stellar guitar work by veteran Glenn Pearce, the mix on this CD glistens under any audiophile's microscope.
But it all begins with great songs, and this CD is chock full of them! From the infectious layered sounds of "Saving Grace" (with a live orchestra backing! Wow!) to the anthemic offerings "Stand In Awe" and "God of All Glory", to the prayer praises of "As It Is In Heaven" and "Throne of Grace", to the poured out devotional of "With All My Heart", this project has a lot to contribute your local church. Track four, "Christ is Exalted", even includes a beautiful song of Christ's life, appropriate for Christmas worship, or any time of year. No doubt contend that the title track "Stand In Awe" and "God Of All Glory" (both sung by Jeremy Riddle) will garner considerable attention from both churches and radio play alike.
But for this reviewer, all the songs mentioned thus far are supporting cast for one of the best songs presented to the church in the last ten years- "All I Have". This amazing song provides a simple, but infectiously untiring sound track for unashamed worshipers the world ‘round. To date, I have listened to this CD about 35-40 times. And yet, as I drove to work this morning, I still wept as I worshipped along with "All I Have" with the chorus echoing some of these lyrics:
"Jesus, all I have is You,
You're the hope I'm holding to...
As the heavens hold the skies,
It's Your hand that holds my life"
After receiving an advanced copy of this project just weeks ago, our church already has three of these songs in its repertoire ("Throne of Grace", "Stand In Awe" and "All I Have")! But of those songs, none has gripped people more profoundly than my new favorite song "All I Have". I am sure we will see this song redone by other CCM and worship artists, but here is your first chance to hear it and use it in your local church. A truly great offering!
In an era when music purchasers scarcely think it wise to buy an entire CD, Vineyard's new "Playlist: Stand In Awe" project is well worth it. A wise investment, providing both an amazing suite of songs and PDF chord and lyric charts to help local churches put the songs to immediate use.
Product Link Playlist: Stand in Awe / Vineyard Music
Review by Kim Anthony Gentes