Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
Raw & unashamed - this is the sound of "Burn Service" CD, the new release of youth oriented worship from Vineyard! In an earlier review of a recent Vineyard CD ("It's All About Jesus"), I referred to a new sound in Vineyard Music that is starting to hit stride with truly "new" and truly "fresh" music. And not "new & fresh" at the expense of truly God-centric worship! In "Hungry" (from UK/B. Doerksen) the sound was more progressive rock, here the sound/style is Americana, country-fied rock. The point is that the style has less to do with the "freshness" than the authenticity of the music, the context and songwriting.
You can check out the sound clips at Vineyard's site here!
One of the signs of revival in church history has been repentance. The Burn Service CD is a venture into musical repentance and prayer. It is this state of heart that has typified the music of the modern day flames of revival. While I absolutely love the sound of this CD musically, what gets you "there" for the Burn CD is the abandon of "self" posed in these song lyrics. Ryan Delmore, Darren Clarke & Jesse Lane lead these songs with uncommon passion. It is clear right from the start that this CD holds nothing back, and pretends nothing! People praying to God in song; speaking their weaknesses; crying out for God's holiness to truly consume and change them. These folks are "tired of lukewarm living" and sing for God to "set me on fire"- the text and title of the opening cut.
"Refreshing" would be too subtle a word to describe this CD. The powerful themes, driving guitar, and abandon vocals make this whole CD more like "gut-wrenching" (and I mean that is a good way). Have you ever had a time when repentance was so deep on your heart that you just wept or called out or repented until your soul was empty? Have you ever read the Psalms and contemplated how the writers were really feeling in penning those songs? Now you are seeing the kind of raw passion I am talking about. Somehow, Vineyard managed to capture the essence of intensity that was going on with this time worship. It is awesome!
In listening to a CD for review, I tend to find myself getting drawn into the technical and musical components of a recording, in order to provide a complete review. I found it almost impossible to keep my mind on "evaluating" this CD - there was just too much worship going on! For those willing, this project rushes you into the presence of God in a firestorm of music, scripture-based lyrical themes and passionate prayer. Don't be fooled by imitations- this is the real thing! With the haunting texture of vocals by Delmore and Lane especially, the guitar powered liturgy of the Burn Service is very inviting. This CD gives you a look into the music and hearts of the 20-something generation of today.
Starting with "Set Me On Fire", the worship band lays their hearts out on the table for God. Moving to the second song, Jesse Lane leads an investigation into our lives as "New Creation"s, using 2 Corinthians 5:17 and Galatians 2:20 as underpinnings for this song. The driving groove and repeating 4 powerchord progression makes this an excellent rock contribution. On the topic of musical style, you will notice this CD slips into a country-esqe songs with "Real Love", "I Will Praise You", and "Your Love Reaches Me". "Real Love" is a simple ballad of the search for God's real love. The fourth song, "Father", re-iterates the cry of prayer that these worship leaders keep coming back to. Like "Set Me On Fire", "Father" restates that we truly need God in light of our emptiness. Like many of these songs on this CD, this is a song worth of air play on CCM radio. Unique and edgy, yet simple and with a singable "hook", this is very good material, even at an entertainment level (though, clearly that is not the intention of this music). In my opinion, Vineyard Music should look at promoting this CD to CCM/Alt radio, if they haven't already done that- but more on that topic at the end of the review.
My favorite cut from this entire album comes up next, with "Shepherd". This song is a great, singable, rock anthem, once again re-visiting the theme of trading our weakness for God's strength and coming up with the conclusion that simply-
"You are my Shepherd, and I will follow You,
I abandon my will and yield to Yours"
Taking lyrical content of the sixth track, "I Will Praise You", returns to the book Psalms, with chapter 42 (verse 5) outlining the lyrics source for this song. Another very singable, usable song for worship. The next song, "Let It Come" has a sound that is about as late-60's/early 70's as I have ever heard on a Vineyard album. Another retro sound is rekindled a little in the background vocals of track 9 ,"Friend". The album moves on through "All My Days" and "Surely Goodness and Mercy", once again returning the to Psalms for content, while keeping the beat strong and the guitar chords crunching along to sing to. Very nice, and you don't feel like the album gets stuck on a "blah" song anywhere along the way. The CD finishes with a wonderful love song, "I Love Your Presence". I really liked this song, ambient in the verse, but building into a chorus of thankfulness that gets more and more contagious. Excellent worship material here.
As you can tell, this CD comes with my highest recommendation- the "Editor's Choice" award. Even so, there are some things this project doesn't come with- and that worries me some. First, this project is put out to document Vineyard music as it is being employed in worship throughout their churches. So you might think that Vineyard would encourage the use of the materials through the publication of the printed music for this great project- but you would be wrong. With a great project and no printed music, the songs (though loved) may well go unused in just the contexts they would likely most useful- churches! My hope is that Vineyard puts forward the effort to print an accompanying songbook. The second thing this project does not come with is promotion. I looked through several trade magazines and found no mention of the Burn Service CD, except on a "shared" ad with 4 albums and another music label. I found no strong promotion of it from the distributors either. I also contacted Vineyard Music to ask them what their plans were for this series "Y-Worship", hoping to hear some good news about this bold new direction that Vineyard was taking. Carla Turner, Manager of Media Relations for Vineyard Music, said that "Y-Worship" is the "imprint" under which Vineyard will target future youth oriented projects coming out of the Vineyard movement. According to Carla, there are tentative plans for future releases under the "Y-Worship" brand. With no specific projects already in production, one hopes this is not a "one-time" CD for the "Y-Worship" series from Vineyard.
All that said, Burn Service is a great product from Vineyard. Incredibly useful in worship, yet their most progressive work to date. This CD, along with "It's All About Jesus", and the two UK releases from Brian Doerksen ("Winds of Worship #12" and "Hungry") have loaded my church (and many others) with a excellent cache of great new songs.
Product Link The Burn Service - Vineyard Music
Kim G.