When I Survey
(written by Darlene Zschech, Andy Mak & Thom Macken, based on Isaac Watts original hymn)
-Sung by Darlene Zschech & Thom Macken from Hope UC
There are few songs that cut straight to the heart of the message of Christ's crucifixion like "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross". Originally written by Isaac Watts, the song was penned for a communion service in 1707. The most popular rendition of music to be applied to Watts' lyrics came from Lowell Mason whose composition applied to the hymn became the what many people recognize as the "When I Survey" of the church.
What strikes me most about this song is that it conveys the power and truth of the scriptures with such terse language. We often want things boiled down to singular concepts that are easy to digest and focused in theme. While Watts certainly has focused on the cross with this hymn, he has expressed it in its wide diversity by showing how the cross applies to the breadth of creation and our human condition.
A friend of mine, who works with Darlene Zschech and other songwriters/artists sent me this message a few days ago:
Darlene wanted you to be able to bless whomever you wanted to with this wonderful song "When I Survey" that she and Andy Mak (producer and engineer at her studio The Grove) created for Easter weekend at Hope Unlimited Church. Feel free to spread this around...
Thank you Darlene and Andy!
Darlene Zschech, Andy Mak & Thom Macken have crafted a new chorus that adds a modern flourish to this great hymn of the last 4 centuries. The track is sung by Darlene Zschech and Thom Macken. Below you will find an MP3 and chord chart of this song. I encourage you to download BOTH the mp3 and the chord chart and engage with this song.
Many thanks to Darlene Zschech, Andy Mak and Hope Unlimited Church (Australia) for giving us permission to post this.
Be sure to chime in and let us know what you thought (post comments below) and you are welcome to share this with friends on Facebook and twitter with your friends.
Free Song Download "When I Survey" from Darlene Zschech, Andy Mak & Thom Macken / Sung by Darlene Zschech & Thom Macken
"When I Survey" Already in WorshipTeam.com
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Review by Kim Gentes
Reader Comments (2)
Darlene Zschech & Thom Macken have done it again!I am so blessed that the mp3 and words are for free!!It is exactly what I needed for my Resurrection Service on Sunday.I preach and do worship a cappella to a small group of senior citizens in a Nursing Home.Thank you and God Bless you.
Thank you so much for this song. I especially want to thank you for uploading for free and the pdf that is so helpful. I struggle with knowing what new music is out there and this has been very helpful to me.
Thanks again