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As one looks through the Biblical record, we see an amazing series of real lives. Some resounding with hope, some with triumph, some hurting and some broken. Amidst these poignant moments, we see the real story of God's love and power bursting on to the scene, intervening to bring His presence and justice.
It is this thread of mercy and justice that rises up in us, as God gives us strength that gives songs like "All the Poor and Powerless". This is a song pointing us to a desire to see the justice of the kingdom come to the aid of the poor and powerless. And for the hearts of every human, regardless of their place in life to come to a recognition of the Holy One and sing out "Hallelujah". David Leonard and Leslie Jordan have penned this melancholy tune that displays both of the need of humanity and holy and worth character of God.
What really gripped me about this song, was getting out my guitar and starting to play along and sing this song. The lyrics begin to leap off the page and you realize what you are singing. It sinks deep into your heart and flows back up as a declaration, and a realization that on that day :
We will sing out "Hallelujah".
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Free Song Download "All the Poor and Powerless" from Integrity Music
"All the Poor and Powerless" Already in WorshipTeam.com
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Article by Kim Gentes
Reader Comments (1)
My favorite song in years, I think. I love leading our congregation with this song. So rich.