"I Give Thanks" - Worship Song Video Blog: Session 8 (with Kim Gentes)
This is a video blog of guitar tips and ideas for playing worship songs. This video blog is done by Kim Gentes. This is Session 8 nd it includes tips on playing the song "I Give Thanks" written by Brian Thiessen (Mercy/Vineyard Publishing) and recorded by Vineyard Music.
For churches using WorshipTeam.com, this song and its chord charts, lyrics and audio are already available and pre-loaded for you in the WorshipTeam.com system song database.
This is Session 8 of the Worship Song Video Blog and it includes tips on playing the song "I Give Thanks" written by Brian Thiessen (Mercy/Vineyard Publishing) and recorded by Vineyard Music. This is a video blog of guitar tips and ideas for playing worship songs. This video blog is done by Kim Gentes.
"I Give Thanks" - Worship Song Video Blog: Session 8 (with Kim Gentes)
Reader Comments (2)
Dear Mr. Gentes,
I'm a beginning guitar player and I would like to learn to play just this one song - "I give Thanks" by Brian Thiessen at me and my fiancee's wedding banquet on Thanksgiving weekend, November 28th, 2009. Would it be possible for you to make a video showing how to play the rest of the song so that I could play it at our wedding banquet? If not, what should I do if I want to learn to play this song in a hurry?
I posted a reply to your question, Charles, on YouTube at :
It's not very pretty, but it should give you the flow of the song..