Fellow worship leaders.. about 7 years ago I made a trip to Canada to gather with other worship leaders and pastors in a small retreat center in NB Canada. It was one of the first 2 week intensives put on through St. Stephen's University and hosted by Dan Wilt. I had been resourcing, mentoring and training leaders in local and national contexts for years but that weekend changed my life. It was an experience that profoundly impacted my journey and continues to do so.
One small thing prepared me for the 2 week experience- reading. I know. It sounds so "academic" and "laborsome". Frankly, that is how I found it too. But I came away with a deep appreciation, founded in that experience that I had really learned about learning.
What I learned was this- real learning takes work. Real truth is not always simple. And life lessons are not always summated in 140 character blurbs. Some of the truths that may change your life, save your marriage, stop your habitual sinning, shape your thinking and awaken your passion can only be articulated in full length, well thought books.
You see, prior to going on that trip, we were told to read 3 or 4 books. I don't think I had ever had an assignment to read that many books for one course. Not in high school. Not in college. Not at work. Not ever. And frankly the impact of those books didn't sink into me until those 2 weeks brought the conversation, community, care and challenge of their topics into full bloom. I had found a new love- reading. Not the act of reading- but the joy of discovering great truths through reading.
I have dozens of close friends that are worship leaders, and probably know hundreds more worship leaders personally. As I talk with worship leaders, young and old, I found that I was not alone. Most people don't read, or they don't read much. Or they only read on niche topics.
In reading articles from the Wall Street Journal (article), NY Times (article), and Washington Post/CBS (article) about American averages in reading, most of them put reading between 9-17 books per year. I would be shocked to find very many worship leaders reading a complete book per month.
But with the recent experience at the intensive having awakened a real joy in reading in me, I began to pursue it on a regular basis. In fact, that reading led me to eventually re-engage with formal study and pursue a masters program in ministry. Even after completing a masters degree, the joy of reading has kept me reading regularly. For me in particular, I have focused in reading and learning more on the topics of theology, worship, history, ancient civilizations and economics. My awakening to reading changed my life and continues to do so.
Can I make a suggestion to you- read one (1) great book every three months.
Don't waste your time on poorly written, fluff, either. Read something great. As a worship leader, husband, father, and follower of Jesus, I really do think this is something so many of us would benefit from. I know it changed my life.
I realize that one great book every three months doesn't sound like much. But I emphasize- one great book. Continue to read books that pique your interest in topics that enliven you. But in the midst of that, take on reading one great book, a classic or a ground breaking page-turner.
If it helps, I've attached a list of my own personal "Top 10 Books of all Time" to get you started on books to consider. But, if my list doesn't sound profound, please find someone you respect and ask them their top books.
As worship leaders, I think it will help shape and challenge not only our topic of choice here (worship), but the contour of our lives and relationships.
Kim's Top 10 Books of All Time
Reading and worshiping with you!
Kim Gentes