Can I just put this here? Worship leaders/worship pastors- just be faithful. I've been a Christian for over 30 years, and for much of that I have led worship/music and pastored people both on teams and in small groups. If I've learned anything, it is that God's love is the only valuable center for our identities and actions as Christians and ministers. But that reality takes time to sink in. You will see it in surprising encounters, but the weight of it doesn't always penetrate our lives deeply for years. The phrase "God's love" has become one of those overused terms that is so completely applicable and true it has become trite. Its reality has become obscured.
The long term antidote for this is faithfulness. Stay the course, and act on God's love even when it doesn't feel like it. This doesn't mean being unreal, just continuing to trust that God knows and loves you better than you can fathom. Over a lifetime, the truth of God's love eventually settles into our being, if we leave ourselves open to him. It becomes not only who we are, but who we see ourselves as- sons & daughters loved by God.
That being said, here are a few practical items from both "failures" and "high-five" moments in my journey. Perhaps these might help. This isn't an exhaustive list, but it's a start.
Things to do:
Things not to do:
If you're like me, you will have up/down days and likely run into a few of the above (on either side of the ledger). Don't let that discourage you. Keep going. Be faithful. God loves you. He doesn't just like you (though that is true). He loves you. You are His son/daughter. He's pleased with you.
Now, out of that love and knowledge, go do the things God calls you to in the kingdom.
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