Why Aren't We Singing - Video by Graham Kendrick (ThinkJump Journal #97 with Kim Gentes)
There is a lot of change continuing to pulse through the life of the local churches, and much of that change continues to be related to music.
In this blog, I've talked about the need to select familiar songs the whole church knows, about selecting songs in that normal people can sing, and even how local worship leaders can find/select a good congregational vocal range. Along that same line, I found a new video particularly excellent in conveying some concise principles that we should all take note of.
I wanted to highlight a great new video that veteran worship leader and songwriter Graham Kendrick has done that articulately conveys the importance of a number of aspects of local church music. His reasoning and presentation are excellent and help us all see to the heart of this important issue. I strongly encourage you to watch this short (6 minute) video. Worship leaders, especially, will receive some excellent encouragement here.
Well said, Graham. Well said!
Reader Comments (2)
I am an adjunct music prof at a small Bible college. May i get permission to down load this video for class?
The video is not mine. I have only highlighted and featured it here, since it is included in Youtube.com. You can contact Graham Kendrick via his own website at : http://www.grahamkendrick.co.uk/ . Since the video is on YouTube, you could always stream it off YouTube for the class, but if you'd like to download it, or use it in another way, you should probably get direct permission from Graham himself.