There are TWO ways you can get the "Ultimate Worship Resource Guide" for free. This means literally millions of people have access to read the book for free through their memberships with either of a couple of great sources. By simply being a member of either WorshipTraining.com (a service that thousands of worship leaders, pastors, musicians and pastors subscribe to) or Amazon Prime (a membership service of Amazon that has millions of users) you can download and read the book with no cost.
Here are the details on accessing the book for each of those membership programs.
Are you a member of WorshipTraining.com? It has quickly become the premier online site for churches around the world to gather training resources, teachings, seminars, courses and expertise in an online community. We are proud to partner with WorshipTraining.com to allow access to their members of our book "Ultimate Worship Resource Guide: Songs & Media Edition". It is available now as a downloadable eBook for members of WorshipTraining.com! Here is what WorshipTraining.com is saying about the book-
Kim Gentes founded one of the largest internet worship resourcing stores in the world (WorshipMusic.com), develops tools that simply work for worship leaders (WorshipTeam.com), and is probably the world's most esteemed industry expert when it comes to reviewing worship resources. This Guide is fair, honest, and laced with the kind of practical insight only a fellow worship ministry leader could have. Kim's broad knowledge of the resources available, excellent research, and careful evaluation make this guide indispensable...
Source #2: Amazon Prime Users get "Ultimate Worship Resource Guide" free!
The recently released Ultimate Worship Resource Guide has been lauded by worship leaders, teachers and pastors such as Don Moen, Tom Kraeuter, Dan Wilt and others as a "must have" handbook for worship resources for worshiping churches. Here is what Tom Kraeuter, worship leader, author, pastor and conference speaker said about the book:
"...The day I finished reading the book I told the worship leader at our church that he needed to get a copy. I don’t recommend things to him very often. This one, though, is definitely worth it. You probably ought to get one, too… Don’t miss out. This book will save you tons of time and effort!"
Now Ultimate Worship Resource Guide is available for free for all Amazon.com Prime memberships. If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can download the book for free right now! NOTE: you must be a Kindle owner to access the free lending library inside of Amazon.com Prime. The Ultimate Worship Resource Guide is inside of the Amazon Prime kindle lending library.
We hope you enjoy the guide!
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