Editors Note: I have received a number of requests from people asking about video streaming of their worship services, and I am so happy that I got permission from these fine folks to include some helpful resources on the details of doing this for your church. Below is a 3-part resource (video, audio and PDF) that should help any church get an idea of how to get started in this area. Thanks Dan & Kevin! - Kim Gentes
How To Stream Your Worship Services Online
With Dan Wilt (WorshipTraining) and Special Guest Kevin Weimer (WorshipStream)
Description: Every church can benefit from streaming their services online. In this webinar we will talk about why churches stream, should it be live or on-demand, one camera versus multiple cameras, and what do you need to get started. There are literally countless options on how to implement a system for streaming, but we will focus on the basics of what you need to know to begin. This is a very practical (non-super-technical) look at how easy it can be to start streaming your services and events online.
THREE (3) RESOURCES: The video, audio and PDF resources that were presented in this webinar are available below in full form below.
Resource 1: Webinar Video
Resource 2 and 3: Audio & PDF Downloads
Free Resource Downloads for "How To Stream Your Worship Services Online"
by Dan Wilt & Kevin Weimer
Editors Post-Logue: If you have further questions about streaming your worship or church services online, you can contact Kevin Weimer directly via http://www.worshipstream.com . He is very knowledgeable in this area and will help answer your questions. I have personally used WorshipStream.com services before and highly recommend them. Sincerely, Kim Gentes
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