A Note of Thanks to the Spouses of Creatives (Thinkjump Journal #58 with Kim Gentes)

My name is Kim Gentes. For the last 15 years, I have listened to thousands of music projects, critiqued hundreds of albums and resources and written full reviews of over 100 such music projects, books and resources. In that time, I have found that behind many great projects stand two primary people- a husband and wife. The creative artist is, understandably, singled out for lauds, applause, critique and awards. But the spouse is often relegated to the liner notes and mentions from award ceremonies (when they rarely occur). In this, I realized I have been woefully complicit- I looked back on my reviews and have not found one (yet) where I recognized the hidden support and treasure of the spouse of a creative to the monumental work that was produced. My hope is that this note will start to address my egregious oversight. This note is first of all to my own wonderful wife, Carol. But it is also to every spouse of a creative (husband or wife) who has poured out their energies and hearts into the combined efforts of a creative project.
To all the spouses of creatives! We all thank you! Your day in the spotlight may be short (or not at all), but you surrender much of yourself to see great things come from your family, while you remained often notably missing from headlines, bylines, reviews and awards. But from those of us who know, and who appreciate all you give- Thank you!
It never astounds me when I hear of the dedication, support, encouragement, work, hours, love, money, sacrifice, pain, failure, restoration, joy and patience that couples go through to make a musical, written or creative expression (like an album) come to fruition. It doesn't astound me because I know that without this kind of community of love (inner and outer family) such projects fail, abort or come to a dismally muted conclusion. Any endeavor in art, writing or music- to be done well- becomes a labor of love for an entire family. I learned that personally in my own years of creative activity, but have also seen it is so many others. Bless you, for you have blessed us all. Bless you to every wife or husband who stood along with a gifted creative and became a co-laborer (whether in the creative process or not) in bringing forward a fruit of healing for the church and the world.
There are really three different groups of us that need to say thanks to the spouses of creatives. Creatives themselves, those who enjoy the creative arts and the people who work in the creative industry.
- First, there are the creatives themselves. This group is the most indebted to our spouses, as you can imagine. We are so often in the depth of a writing project, music session or creative process that we occasionally lose touch with the structure of grace and love God has provided around us. That friend, encourager, champion and lover- our spouse. As a creative myself, I say to my spouse, and in proxy from creatives to their spouses- thank you!
- Second, those who enjoy the final creative work. Art lovers, music lovers, readers, and all who take joy in engagement with the creative works produced by creatives. As someone who loves to read, to listen to great music and enjoy great art, I join with all those who have been touched deep, inspired greatly and changed profoundly by the works we gather from the work of creative expression-- Thank you to the spouses of creatives for all the work you've done that allows us to benefit from this!
- Third, from those employed in the creative world. From the thousands of people who work in the creative services and products world- all us who are managers, salespeople, technologists, marketers, accountants, assistants and dozens of other jobs- thank you to the spouses of creatives! Your contribution to the world of art helps all of us continue to live and work in these careers/industries. Thank you!
A final word for the spouses of creatives, from one who is (and represents) all three of the above groups (a creative, a consumer, and a worker in the industry).
We all know the difference in a creative project which seeks to achieve financial success for its company owners as its primary center or one that looks to aggrandize the artist for their own sake. That is in stark contrast to an endeavor borne in a heart led of God, which intends their music, book or art to perhaps be one leaf plucked today from the coming Kingdom of God. A leaf that may apply its healing nature from the Tree of Life (Jesus himself) to the wounds of our culture's present brokenness. Thank you for endeavoring, for daring, for walking it through with your creative spouse the whole way. We celebrate with you, and hope you and your creative spouse will receive a gracious blessing from God, as we have been given through your gift of creativity.
A deep and heartfelt.... thank you!
Sincerely, Kim Gentes.
Reader Comments (3)
Beautifully put!
Thank you!
Sue Thomson
Thank YOU for taking the time to say Thank You. Yes, we definitely do it as a labour of love, and I enjoy working with my husband, helping him on his creative journey, co-labouring, encouraging, critiquing, laughing, crying, sweating, marketing...and the list goes on, and yes, not many spouses get noted in the headlines, but I am blessed to have the love and appreciation of my husband, who is always thankful when we spend time together on projects, or when I have to take on a little more on my platter whilst he puts the finishing touches on a song, music video or other project. I love seeing the joy our children take in seeing us work together, and the product of that work. I also know that God thanks us in His own special way...after all, we are to be helpers to our spouses. Though I have had my good share of thanks from family, friends and God's blessings, I would like to say THANK YOU, for taking the time to write your note of thanks, to all us spouses. It is so very much appreciated.
May God continue to Bless you,
Sharon Court.
Thanks Kim for your insight. You are so right. The support team of creatives, of whom the primary member is the spouse, are often overlooked. In my case, it was Merrilyn who urged me to start recording instrumental music. So not only has she been the support, she has been the inspiration. I so appreciate your words!!