Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
After listening to this album repeatedly, I couldn't believe I was listening to an independent release. I have listened to hundreds of songs by independent worship leaders, publishers and so on. Many of them are good worship, but most are clearly not meant for "the nations", instead are God's gift to a local body. Not so with this new albums from Seth Peterson (Angels Dancing). This guy is clearly gifted and the project has superb lyrical craftsmanship. This project which will go to the nations, not just because of the skill level involved, but because of the creative gifting and anointing on this worship leader.
I loved the passion and grittiness of Angels Dancing. This project is clearly "Gen-X" worship with a edge and passion that will be loved by youth up through baby boomers. Great vocals, haunting themes and lyrics. Some wonderfully thoughtful worship songs.
Product Link: This project is not available online anywhere, but if you are interested in it, send me a note (Contact Us) and I will put you in direct contact with Seth Peterson, who still has some copies of this great project.
Review by Kim Gentes
I recently took a trip to Canada where I spent several hours in a rental car driving through rural Canada. I had originally thought I placed several CDs in my pack to listen to during the drive. Just one CD was found, however, and it was Danny Steyne's "Live At Blood N Fire". I listened to this CD and worshiped along for not just minutes, but a couple of hours! It is anointed and well executed. The songs are also excellent for use in worship. What I really liked about this CD was the heart after God that comes through so powerfully in every song. And it isn't just a musical passion either, as Danny has led this energy into the ministry of poor and broken lives. This is one indie CD that is definitely worth getting.
Product Link : http://www.themountain.org/apps/store/default.asp?view=profile&itemid=28747
Review by Kim Gentes
Welcome Mark Miller! The exclamation is for a reason. This guy has a wonderful CD! We hope that everyone will get a chance to listen to Mark's newest CD called "Threshing Floor". The style is retro acoustic to rock. If you like Darrel Evans, this CD will be a total blessing to you. These songs are edgy on some, and blissful clear through. Mark's not just a newbie either, he has had songs published already that have appeared on Vineyard's Touching the Father's Heart series. This indie CD by Mark is a powerful musical and worshipful trek into the heart of our generation's cry for unrelenting honesty.
Mark's CD is not linkable easily to a sales site any longer, but I have managed to find some old links for audio samples (sorry only 96kbps).
Product link: If you are interested in getting a copy of this CD, write Mark directly at mmiller@grace2you.org
Review by Kim Gentes
There is no other single local church that has had a more profound impact on the song repetoire of the Christian church in the last 20 years than Hillsong Church in Australia. With a series of phenomenally gifted leaders, a catalog of amazingly popular songs, and a staff of skilled musicians, producers and vocalists, Hillsong Church has become nearly synonymous with praise and worship music across the English speaking world. The landmark, breakout album from Hillsong was the 1996 release of "Shout To The Lord". While Hillsong had become moderately popular through a series of its own releases, "Shout To The Lord" was a unique release made under Integrity Music's Hosanna label. Produced under their label, marketed and distributed via the Integrity system throughout the US and other global territories, "Shout To The Lord" became the foundational pivot from which its legendary title track rose to one of the top songs in the world wide church, staying in the top 10 of CCLI rankings for many years.
The album itself contained other songs which would also go on to be worldwide favorites, including: I Believe the Promise, Jesus, Lover of My Soul and The Power of Your Love. The phenomenal success of this album was no one-hit-wonder. For 15 years (and counting) Hillsong Church and its music leaders have produced multiple albums per year, many of which have had some of the highest sales rankings in the genre. The Hillsong song catalog has produced 12 of the current top 100 songs in the Christian church, a phenomenal feat.
One of the primary writers of its early songs was Geoff Bullock (writer of The Power Of Your Love). Bullock was followed by Darlene Zschech who wrote the title track Shout to the Lord and several other songs. More than any other musician /vocalist, Zschech's gifted vocal stylings and leadership charisma made the "Shout To The Lord" album and many of its later successor projects a standard of musical and songwriting excellence. The original "Shout To The Lord" album was released in 1996, but was released again in 1998 with a new cover, as its popularity retained it in print for several years.
While other leaders have come to the Hillsong stable and met the challenge of writing stellar songs with top notch recordings (such as Reuben Morgan and Joel Houston, both of whom have songs in the CCLI top 100), those and other Hillsong writers did so only due to the huge opportunity given to them by the success of "Shout to the Lord" and astounding leadership of Darlene Zschech.
If you are not familiar with this album or its songs, you should learn. This is truly a historic album on which the Hillsong legacy was largely built.
Product Link: Hosanna! Music: Shout To The Lord
Review by Kim Gentes
[Free Song Download "Trading My Sorrows" from Darrell Evans- see at the bottom of the review.]
Over the years, I have heard literally thousands of worship CDs. I have evaluated a few hundred projects personally, and ended up writing over 100 professional reviews. Of all the albums I have heard, I don't know of a better studio recording on a worship project than this incredible album by Darrell Evans. It is now about 15 years since Darrell shocked the world with Freedom in what amounts to the standard in a studio worship recording. Listening to this project now, I am still overwhelmed by a sense of God's presence, still hurled into worship authentic praise, and still taking to my knees and crying right along with the sincerity and reality of the music and lyrics in the songs on this album.
I place this project even above some of the other iconic recordings such as Shout to The Lord (Hillsongs), Lift Him Up (Ron Kenoly), Hungry (Brian Doerksen), Sonicflood (Sonicflood), Intimacy (Matt Redman), Arriving (Chris Tomlin), Passion: Better Is One Day (Passion), Worship (Michael W. Smith) and others. I recognize that some of these albums mentioned are "live" productions, but they nonetheless left an indelible mark on worship in the church worldwide. And yet, I believe Freedom stands alone as the landmark studio recording. Why? For five reasons:
If you are one of the few people who haven't bought this entire album, I can't tell you with any more clarity than this- buy it. Buy it now. You will not regret it. More than a decade and a half after its release, and it still blows away almost every worship recording you hear. This is not a trip down nostalgia lane, it is a reckoning with reality- we haven't moved the needle as high as this in worship recording, and it may be a long time before we do. Serious friends, listen to it. And be blown away.
This project not only wins my "Editor's Choice Award", but is my pick for the Best Studio Worship Recording- ever! Ya, really.
Amazon Link: Freedom - Darrell Evans
Additionally, our friends at Integrity Music have also granted us permission to give you access to the audio and chord chart for the great song "Trading My Sorrows" as a free download for a limited time directly here, so you will find it below.
Review by Kim Gentes
Free Song Download "Trading My Sorrows" from Darrell Evans album "Freedom"