Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
Rita Springer is a name that has been synonymous with passionate worship. Like many of you, I've been enjoyed her songs, been inspired by her powerful vocals and encouraged by her living example as a leader and mentor to a generation of worship leaders. I first met Rita in 2001, and did a video interview with her on a tour she was doing with Worship Together newcomers (then) Tim Hughes and Chris Tomlin. Rita was then, and continues to be, a trailblazer who never settles for the "status quo". She was never content to live on your latest success or create a song to fit with the "formula" that might be popular.
Rita's latest album, called "The Playlist (Deluxe)", is a progression in that journey, taking Rita's music from its powerful and inspirational roots to a place of beautiful artistry and pop accessibility. This marks the first album for Rita with her new major label partner, Integrity Music. Instead of pressing Rita into a plastic mold of pop-Christian music, this new release has Rita playing some of her most innovative music to date (such as tracks In This Forever, Over I Go, and Made For This), while on the same album including some of her most worshipful, hook-laden grooves (such as tracks I Call You, You Are My Hallelujah, Come In, All I Need, You Are Good, Oh How You Love Me, Make You Happy, and gospel drenched This Blood).
"The Playlist (Deluxe)" is a triumph of the best passionate worship, glorious vocals, great lyric writing, and artistic production that we've ever heard from Rita Springer. I couldn't get through this album without lifting my arms, raising my voice and joining in worship. While this album is made with top level production, it remains 25 excellent tracks (11 studio and 14 live tracks) for consideration by local churches looking for great new songs. Rita is joined by a veritable "who's who" of producers who's collaborative efforts shine, rather than segment, this great album. Jason Halbert, David Ruis, Bobby Hartry, Jason Morant, Anthony Skinner, Daniel Bashta and Joel Khouri apply their considerable talents to this project, and each track brings out a slice of Rita's passion that fits the song. Additional to that, the "Deluxe" portion of this album is a live version of many songs, PLUS four of Rita's most amazing corporate worship favorites: Created to Worship, All I Need, You Are Good and Oh How You Love Me.
Listening through the album multiple times, I keep changing my favorite songs. Lyrically, I found myself resonating with the lead track Come In very deeply. Rhythmically, I loved In This Forever and its 6/8 feel. But four songs stand out profoundly for me. First, I Call You is an infectious song of praise with such devotional language I find myself reaching for my guitar and joining in every time the track starts. Second, This Blood is something of the feel of an old-time hymn, with gospel choir backdrops and the undeniable message of Christ's redemptive work made possible in the sacrifice of His Blood. Then, You Are Good is one of those songs that will ring around in your head and want you to put it on the set list for next Sunday every time you hear it- a great corporate worship song. But my absolute favorite song has to come down to Oh How You Love Me, which though it is one of Rita's classic worship songs is so powerful, so compelling and pulls such a deep musical groove that you can't do anything but absolutely love it and want to sing along to the Lord "Oh how You love me".
If you have never heard Rita Springer before, this album should be your first stop into one of the most passionate, gifted songwriter/worship leaders in the last 20 years. It's that good. I have no hesitation with naming The Playlist Deluxe a 2012 Editor's Choice Award recipient. It is a great album, really. Check it out.
NOTE: Below is a free download from our friends at Integrity Music, with both the MP3 and chord chat from the song "This Blood" from Rita's new album. Enjoy!
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/KX4Nsj
Review by Kim Gentes
Free Song Download "This Blood" from Rita Springer
Rita Springer. Over the years, those who have heard Rita and been encouraged by her songwriting, worship leading and recordings have know there is one word that is synonymous with her music- passion. No matter the context or setting, you knew that no song would be glossed over or done half-hearted, if Rita was in the room. And so, her soaring vocals have torn through hearts across the church. And while the contribution of Rita Springer isn't limited to just a style, and her songs have become well used in many parts of the body of Christ, it has been her voice that has earmarked her ministry.
With 'I Have To Believe' Rita Spring returns with her most sonically excellent project to date. Every note, chord, and rhythm are laid out with expert precision into the tracks of this new offering. And this is not surprising, since acclaimed producers Nathan Nockels and Margaret Becker have taken the helm for the production on this recording. The result is both beautiful and surprisingly broad in its reach. For, in the past, while Rita's earmark has been thundering passion in both heart and voice, this was the same thing that would make the average person listen for 3 or 4 songs to any of her previous albums before taking a break to recover, before listening to the rest of the album.
'I Have To Believe' brings Rita's songs, voice and passion into pristine focus for both the general listening worshiper and the worship leader looking for new songs that they can do in local churches. Pre-eminent in this recording is the great radio listenable track 'You Are Good', a nice acoustic piano cover of Martin Smith's 'Rain Down', and a new classic Rita Springer ballad 'O God Of Mine'. The production is perfect, really. I loved hearing Rita flow more subtly and gently through the warm verses of 'Captured', parts of 'You're More Than a Friend', and ebbs and flows of 'Everywhere'. What makes these all the more poignant is the contrast they present to places where she lets her voice soar and rip through with real passion.
Aside from the technical excellence of this album the development of styles into a few different directions on this album is also a nice surprise, with the gospel groove of 'I Have To Believe', the guitar laden 'You Are Good' and the touch of tech/ethereal meanderings of 'Captured'. Wonderfully done, but weaved with consistency through an entire album that sounded like a complete offering and not a bunch of scattered songs. For the worship leader wondering what might be in store for their local church on this album, there are a few very good selections to glean, though this is clearly aimed at being a premium radio listening experience. The top of the list for worship leaders looking for material should be listening to 'You Are Good', the infectious 'Captured' and covers of 'Rain Down' and 'You're More Than a Friend'.
'I Have to Believe' is not just a maturing of talent for the artist, but a perfect blend of producers with one of the most gifted vocal talents in all of Christian music. For this, and the great new songs we get, WorshipMusic.com is happy to give 'I Have To Believe' an Editor's Choice Award.
Product Link I Have To Believe
Review by Kim Gentes