Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
"Not Be Moved" is the latest recording from Vineyard Worship and is released via their quarterly series (called Club Vineyard) with some grace-filled fresh songs. The twelve songs that fill this project are congregationally minded offerings that could fit in a varied range of churches, partly due to their generally singable vocal ranges and partly due to the diverse range of styles in which these songs are arranged.
The lyrical and theme content of this album reflects a long-standing tradition of the main-stay of worship music- glorious adoration and the Christian basics of faith, hope and love. Several songs focus directly on glorifying God for his worthiness- Name Above All Names, Face To Face, Greatly Praised, Satisfied, Blessed Be The Name of The Lord, He's Our King. Several other songs expound the virtues of God's rescuing, faithfulness and provision towards His children- My Savior My Rescue, Love Lifted Me, Not Be Moved, The World Can't Take It Away, and Everything Is In Your Hands.
Aside from these thematic groupings, notable in this collection is a focus on declarative language in most songs (in both theme groupings previously mentioned) and the absence of the language of prayer and request. Two songs with prayer language are "Make Us One" and the personal "Face to Face". This is not a huge shift or difference that might be noticed on this album alone, but becomes clear as one looks at decades of songs from the Vineyard churches. Popular songs from the 80's (such as Change My Heart O God, More Love More Power, Psalm 121), 90's (highlighted by Come And Fill Me Up, Draw Me Close, Breathe) and 00's (Hungry, Surrender, Be The Centre) of Vineyard catalog often prominently featured a musical playlist of plaintiff prayers and supplicant surrenders. Today's Vineyard songs resound more with the language of assurance and faith declaration than the language of prayer, though the lyrical sense of joy and thanks continue to smile across many of the songs of this album.
The album kicks off with an understated floor tom pounding in solid rock song "My Savior My Rescue". The song is a declaration of placing trust in God's love, His works and the belief that he will rescue us from the desperation inherent in our human needs. A thoughtful song of remembrance and assurance, that exudes praise and lifts the worshiper into a place of trust in God. Track two, "Love Lifted Me", is a country styled tune that rambles steel guitar through its bubbling effervescence of love-laced lyrics. This exultant song provides a joy-filled refresh to the age-old phrase "love lifted me" that is worth churches taking a look at, with a tasty gospel hook (that ends too soon, in my opinion) appended to the final refrain of this special song.
"Name Above All Names" is beautiful track setting a guitar-infused musical bed for a wonderful presentation of Philippians 2:6-11, where Christ's submission by emptying Himself of his divine-qualities becomes the place in which he humbles Himself to obedience and gains the experience of true humanity, even death on a cross. The song is perfected by the passionate and grace-filled vocal tones of worship leader Hannah Daugherty, who highlights two of my favorite tracks on this project. The title track, "Not Be Moved" follows this. A glorious, piano-based (complete with oscillating organ pads) gospel song, it presents the center of this project's theme- a clear, powerful and faith-filled declaration of God's immovable and unchanging nature as the foundation for our reliance on His benevolence.
Track five is the poignant song about the prayerful desire for the worshiper to have their eyes opened to see God's glory and to be in the presence of the One. Again, Daugherty captures the song with her fluent interpretations that create the atmosphere of deep worship. At eight and a half minutes (the longest track on the album), this song effortlessly brings the worshiper into the same place of prayerful hunger as the lyrics expound. Several songs continue the stylistic rock/roots, country and rock/country stylings of this album's primary motif- "Greatly Praised", "The World Can't Take it Away", "Make Us One", "He's Our King" and "Everything Is In Your Hands".
"Blessed Be The Name of the Lord" is another reload of an archived Kevin Prosch song from the mid-90's (similarly, the song "They That Wait On The Lord" was revived on the "My Foundation" album from Vineyard last year), though this tune update drones on and fails to either capture the energy of the original version or provide an alternative infused with an interesting arrangement.
"Satisfied" is one of my favorite tracks on this project, partly because it stands out stylistically from the guitar-centered, country/rock styling of the rest of the album. But more than just style, this song is a humble admission of our needs resting solely in the person of God. It states:
All of my longings are satisfied
All of my longings are satisfied in You
This kind of admission is enrapturing and epitomizes the heart-ache of all of us- to be with Christ and have Him be, simply, enough.
If you are looking for songs to consider for your local church, I recommend "My Savior My Rescue", "Love Lifted Me", "Name Above All Names", and "Satisfied"- each of these songs have something significant to contribute to any worship repeteroire. Be sure to listen through the entire album and glean some good new songs for your local church worship.
For churches using WorshipTeam.com, all of the songs, chord charts, lyrics and audio from this album are already available and pre-loaded for you in the WorshipTeam.com system song database. If you are not part of WorshipTeam.com and want to listen to audio samples or purchase the album directly yourself, see the Amazon link below.
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/17kyVYB
Review by Kim Gentes
The Canadian cultural motif is the mosaic, a concept that highlights combining differences into a collage of united strengths, much like a patchwork quilt. If you wanted a musical mosaic of the heritage and anointing that has been the Canadian legacy to the worldwide Christian church, you could go straight to the latest project from Vineyard Music Canada -- 'All I Need'. Actually, this is the third project from the northern nation, which deliberately looks for a diverse musical pallet. But where previous efforts ('Shake Off the Dust' and 'Believe') left off, 'All I Need' continues on, and takes up its place as a great worship project.
Let's get right into it. As the CD starts, the gentle swell of rhythm from a shaker, djembe, congas, bongos and darabuka fill up the air. Softly touched piano chords enter and a lone voice calls out with these beckoning lyrics: Who is moving on the waters? Who is holding up the moon? Who is peeling back the darkness With the burning light of noon? The questions are answered by the refrain, 'He is Yahweh'. Combining vocals in English, Zulu, and Lingala with great arranging and genuine passion this opening song will move you into solid assurance of God's sovereignty, through the scripture-woven chorus. After listening to this barrage of blissful truth, one can hardly go away without a powerful sense of our Creator God. What many preachers attempt to convey in a well-spoken sermon, worship leader/songwriter Dean Salyn does in 5 minutes of praise. This is great lyric writing, and producers Brian Doerksen, Daphne Rademaker, and Philip Janz take full advantage of this incredible song by placing it on the first track of this great CD.
Thankfully, the worshiper is clear that this is no ordinary cookie-cutter CD as the tracks roll on. But instead of being 'different' for 'difference' sake, the songs used on 'All I Need' are truly useable, accessible songs meant for the nations. The second song, 'Amen Hallelujah', uses country music to bring the 136th Psalm to life. And while I won't take the time to talk in depth about this and track 3, 'Be My Guide', both deserve their spot on this project with continued diversity and strong musical and lyrical contributions.
Arriving at 'Into Your Presence', written and sung by Kim McMechan, you will be arrested. With McMechan's incredible vocals, you may be tempted to consider this a 'performance' song, but continued listening will draw you into the very singable and melodic chorus. Such is the journey of this entire album. When the title track starts up, you will need to find a chair or simply kneel down in worship.
'All I Need' carries the cry of longing people to the ears of a ready and listening God. First person, and in the manner of David's Psalms, this song is clearly from the Vineyard tradition (can we call 20 years 'tradition'?) of great songs like 'Come And Fill Me Up', 'Draw Me Close' and 'I Want To Know You'. With this and most tracks on this project, Doerksen's mastery of spatial distribution in music gives us crisp, fresh sounds that evoke but don't attack. Frankly, it would take several pages to describe the texture, diversity and excellence that has been put into each of these songs. From the passionate 'Long To Know You', the bluesy 'You're So Wonderful', the anthemic 'The Lighthouse', to the radio playable 'Desire Of The Nations'. My passing over these so quickly is in deference to brevity- I strongly encourage you to sit yourself down and soak these incredible songs into your heart and soul.
What are left are 4 spectacular songs. First, there is 'Dance On It', a dance song that implements an unbelievable collection of sounds and instruments from mandolin and electric guitar to techno, drum loops and electronica. A great rhythmic collage that actually works for explosive, vibrant worship!
Second comes Psalm 113, which is a simple, yet stunning scripture song. There is something wonderful about singing Scripture. Soaking you in God's Word, encouraging each other with His wisdom, and releasing an unquestionable song from our heart to His. Reminiscent of the song 'Blessed Be The Name of The Lord' (Daniels/Prosch), Psalm 113 is presented through a wonderful spectrum of tempo and tenderness- making it accessible to every worshiper, small group, and large congregation on the planet.
Then comes the haunting rhetorical question 'Could I'. With just Kim McMechan and a piano, this worship leader questions and answers how waiting on God is the only place of rest and strength.
The final new song is what may be the most usable song on the album, 'Multiply Your Love'. Veteran songwriter Andy Park pens a call for God to multiply His love, expand the kingdom and grow His church. Every church should sing this song. Even better, ever church should open their hearts to living this song out, through God's love. This is truly an anthem that we, the consumer-centric church of North America, need to get deep into our souls.
The project is concluded with all the various worship leaders on this project combining to sing out a reprise of the title track, 'All I Need'. This album is a spectacular collage of songs, styles, worship leaders and production. Even better, this CD includes a CD-ROM component that has song stories, producer notes, and (thank you VERY much) chord charts and lyric masters!
In my mind, this is one of the best Vineyard project since Winds of Worship 12 (Come, Now Is The Time To Worship) and Hungry. While it doesn't need accolades to get noticed, I would be crazy to not give the Editor's Choice Award to this great project. 'All I Need' will stand out for its great songs, and great worship, for many years to come! If you have one CD in the budget for this entire year- this is the CD! And be sure to let your local church/music leader hear it too- you'll be singing these songs on Sunday morning very soon!
Product Link All I Need
Review by Kim Gentes
Note: This project was awarded 2001 Album of the Year from WorshipMusic.com.