Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch Worshipmusic.com, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. Worshipmusic.com went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
For over ten years, I have been listening to and reviewing CDs in my job at Worshipmusic.com. In that time, I have listened to thousands of CDs, liked a few hundred, and have reviewed many dozens of projects. I'll be honest, I am not a traditional Christmas music lover. Assuming that the fundamentals of good music are included in a CD, after that I find that I am looking for freshness and creativity, inspiration and contrition in music. So when I think about Christmas, I don't usually get excited. I am not one of those guys who is excited to sing carols with the family or anything. Still, in the last few years, I have begun to appreciate the depth of truth and community that come with the tradition of many of the Christmas songs of our faith. So that is the place I found myself at when I started listening to the new Christmas project titled "Yuletide Blend".
Produced by veteran worship leader and song writer, Terry Butler, along with CCM acclaimed producer Smitty Price, "Yuletide Blend" is simply the best Christmas project I have ever heard. It is a wonderful mixture of sparkling instrumental expression, brilliant arrangements, excellent song selection and perfectly spaced occasional vocals. The majority of the songs are presented as instrumental renditions that live up to everything perfect you think of when you hear the word "blend". Mixing large symphonic swells with gentle classical guitar, to radiant full band songs with world class electric guitar solos this CD is a surprise of joy right from the first bells chimes of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" to the last chorus of "Silent Night". Along the way you will find some of the best favorite traditional Christmas songs, along with a selection of 3 contemporary Christmas worship songs that you will want to begin singing every Christmas. I could rant on about the notable musical talent used on this CD, but I won't spoil the latte by telling you what spices where added here.
I have already played this CD through a couple of dozen times and I still love it each time through. Unlike most Christmas music that grows weary quickly on the ears, this project lifts you up and doesn't stumble at any point. Not only is this one of the best CDs I have ever heard, but I am awarding it an Editor's Choice for changing my mind about Christmas music. Thanks, Terry and Smitty, for brewing up a truly is a great "blend" for Christmas! Amazing! I can't recommend this CD enough to you- I highly encourage you to check it out!
Product Link Yuletide Blend: Songs For Christmas
Review by Kim Anthony Gentes
"Our God Saves"! With this declarative anthem, Paul Baloche launches another missile of praise heavenward, and takes us all along for the ride. This new album is a glistening collection of songs in a progressive acoustic/rock styling while remaining a thoroughly congregational experience. In many ways, "Our God Saves" could be considered the second edition of "A Greater Song" (the award winning album released last year from Paul Baloche). "Our God Saves" extends the repertoire of co-written songs from Paul and others such as Matt Redman, Brenton Brown and Kathryn Scott. Add to that writing and vocal contributions from Glen Packiam, Lincoln Brewster and Rita Baloche and you have a set list of 13 life-filled songs of praise. Top it all off with passionate prayer (track 5), a "live" feel and an emptier sonic pallet throughout the album and you have a great new project- Our God Saves.
Like "A Greater Song", the main contribution here is the well-written congregational songs that are encouraging (Our God Saves, Kingdom of God), content rich (Rock of Ages, How Great Thou Art) and sacrificial (I Cling to the Cross, You Gave Your Life Away, Great Redeemer, Your Love Came Down). Paul ebbs and flows through great news songs and reworked timeless songs of the faith. While the style stays with the primary acoustic rock style, the occasional detour into country-fried chorus (Praise) and easy listening (Beyond Us, You Gave Your Life Away). In many ways, Our God Saves steps back from being a heavily produced guitar album with loops and overdubs, making 90% of the album a lighter sonic project than A Greater Song, and lending to its markedly "live" sound. I actually liked this, because it gives us an experience that sounds easier to reproduce with our Sunday morning settings (from a worship leader perspective). While I believe the songwriting on A Greater Song edges out the collection gathered here, Our God Saves is certainly more exciting for those looking for a "new sound" from Paul Baloche and his "dream team" band.
The song "The Way" with Lincoln Brewster and the newly arranged revision of "How Great Thou Art" are excellent new contributions that will refresh any congregation wanting to hear a new way to sing timeless truth. The standout best song on this album is the title track "Our God Saves", which will be welcomed in almost any church using modern praise and worship styles in their musical devotions.
For me, though, my favorite song of the album is a guitar crunching new song called "Your Love Came Down". With sounds and harmonies similar to Amanda Abizaid singing "A Place in Time" (from the TV show 4400) or Sixpence None The Richer's "Kiss Me", Paul Baloche grooves into uncovered territory for him or any of his earlier albums. Somewhat musically similar to David Ruis's recent "When Justice Shines", I loved the new song "Your Love Came Down". While I'd guess it is not a song most churches will venture into, it was my favorite song to listen to on this album. I'd place it a strong favorite for youth bands and more progressive worship bands to use in their appropriate settings.
"Our God Saves" continues not only Paul's relentless pursuit of great worship, but his ongoing insistence of making sure resources are included on the CD products to help get the songs into local churches. Here we find PDF lead sheets are included for 8 of the songs, and Quicktime movie files of how to play the 6 of songs are also placed on the CDROM portion of the product. Thanks again, Paul, for an encouraging set of songs, a great worship experience, and a nice contribution of resources.
Product Link Our God Saves
Review by Kim Anthony Gentes
Anyone who has been present and involved with local churches and ministries at a formative time period understands the kind of encouragement and freedom that comes with discovering God anew. The fresh sounds of praise music are often synchronous with a burgeoning work of God's Spirit among those who are willing to abandon themselves to God's purposes. It is this tenor and effusion of enthusiasm that rings true in the music of Jesus Culture, and especially in one of its earliest releases, "We Cry Out".
Worship leaders Chris Quilala, Kim Walker and Melissa Wise explode across this album with honest rock music, sung and played with conviction. Even ballads don't accquiese to straw-man band arrangements with no guts. You get electric guitars, drums, bass and unapologetic vocals on every track. But this isn't a rock show- this is real worship. All out, forget-anyone-is-watching, leave your offering and life on the alter before God, kind of worship.
What is interesting about the early Jesus Culture albums, including this one, is that they don't enamor themselves with their own songwriting. Instead they prove to be possibly some of the best arrangers of some of the best worship songs both known and unknown. Very few of the songs are home grown to the Jesus Culture band. This is one of the first albums to record the then controversial song by John Mark McMillan How He Loves. The track list on this album includes sparkling rock favorite Delirious' Rain Down, riveting title track We Cry Out by local worship leader Brian Johnson, three excellent selections from Hillsong United song catalog, I Adore You by Phil Wickham, and the song Your Love Is Everything from rising writer Chris McClarney.
This is a live album, like all the Jesus Culture recordings. Included are poignant moments of prayer, encouragement and proclamation. The recording doesn't suffer from adding these elements, instead they help it retain a sense of authenticity and place the listener in the context of the worship experience. The production on the later Jesus Culture albums do continue to improve, but the raw energy of this recording is irreproducible. It is a glimpse of a group of people praise God with all out abandon, great music and great songs.
Product Link: We Cry Out - Jesus Culture Music (CD/DVD)
Review by Kim Gentes
Does anyone remember what a worship CD is? The last several years, it seemed like the "Christian Music" industry had missed the point. Endless collections, remixed cover songs and CCM bands trying to detour into worship leading (but quickly moving back to performance model when the "worship thing" dried up) showed a clear misunderstanding of the foundations of what worship and praise was all about.
If you have felt (like me) disappointed by several popular CDs in the last few years, welcome you back to what a worship project should be- "Playlist: Stand In Awe" from Vineyard Music. One of the original vanguards of resourcing the church in worship, Vineyard has stayed true to its roots with great songs, while making continued strides in progressive musical production and sound with its arrangements and musicianship. The essence of a great worship song is its ability to resonate with the heart-cry of the worshiper. The "Stand In Awe" project is a wonderful set of worship songs that resonate clearly with followers of Christ.
From the opening song, Vineyard brings some of its best young voices singing its best new songs, presented with its best studio production values. Normally known for its great live recordings, Vineyard Music has its second studio production (following up from last year's "Sweetly Broken") that marks a new era of excellence for them under producer Casey Corum. Add to Casey's great production some outsanding vocals by Jeremy Riddle, Steve Jones and Charlie Hines and stellar guitar work by veteran Glenn Pearce, the mix on this CD glistens under any audiophile's microscope.
But it all begins with great songs, and this CD is chock full of them! From the infectious layered sounds of "Saving Grace" (with a live orchestra backing! Wow!) to the anthemic offerings "Stand In Awe" and "God of All Glory", to the prayer praises of "As It Is In Heaven" and "Throne of Grace", to the poured out devotional of "With All My Heart", this project has a lot to contribute your local church. Track four, "Christ is Exalted", even includes a beautiful song of Christ's life, appropriate for Christmas worship, or any time of year. No doubt contend that the title track "Stand In Awe" and "God Of All Glory" (both sung by Jeremy Riddle) will garner considerable attention from both churches and radio play alike.
But for this reviewer, all the songs mentioned thus far are supporting cast for one of the best songs presented to the church in the last ten years- "All I Have". This amazing song provides a simple, but infectiously untiring sound track for unashamed worshipers the world ‘round. To date, I have listened to this CD about 35-40 times. And yet, as I drove to work this morning, I still wept as I worshipped along with "All I Have" with the chorus echoing some of these lyrics:
"Jesus, all I have is You,
You're the hope I'm holding to...
As the heavens hold the skies,
It's Your hand that holds my life"
After receiving an advanced copy of this project just weeks ago, our church already has three of these songs in its repertoire ("Throne of Grace", "Stand In Awe" and "All I Have")! But of those songs, none has gripped people more profoundly than my new favorite song "All I Have". I am sure we will see this song redone by other CCM and worship artists, but here is your first chance to hear it and use it in your local church. A truly great offering!
In an era when music purchasers scarcely think it wise to buy an entire CD, Vineyard's new "Playlist: Stand In Awe" project is well worth it. A wise investment, providing both an amazing suite of songs and PDF chord and lyric charts to help local churches put the songs to immediate use.
Product Link Playlist: Stand in Awe / Vineyard Music
Review by Kim Anthony Gentes
In recent years, musical styles represented on worship projects have coalesced into a "one-size-fits-all" acoustic/easy-listening/pop experience. While songwriting has continued to mature in the lyrical content of seasoned worship writers, the same cannot be said of engaging musical flavors in our worship environments. Proof of this is easily found- step into any local church today using a worship band format. What do you hear? Most often, it is the imitation of the sound of the local church's favorite worship writer/artist. Alternatively, it is the sound of the current popular singles playing on Christian radio.
What is missing? Local church voice, unique community expression, or local music culture flavor. These are issues too deep for be handled in an album review, but they come up here because of the encouraging life that springs up from David Ruis new worship collection "When Justice Shines". This project is a brilliant example of local church worship engaging its community with the real sound of its local musicians. It's refreshing. It contains the one element missing in 95% of the worship CD's produced today- risk!
If you have ever had the opportunity to meet David Ruis, you would not be surprised to hear that his music is full of risk with perfection. David and his band "Indigika" are the four members appearing on this 13 track collection of rhythm, sounds and melodies. Fusing and sounds styles ranging from electronica, world, rock, piano ballad, and dance, David and Indigika make no apologies for the journey they take. From the surrendering "Fragrant Oil", the declarative groove of "By Your Blood", the encouraging "Spirit Is On Me", and the proclamation of "Amen" the CD explodes with its signature sound of electronic loops mixed with crunch and whine electric guitar. Add to that the prophetic voice of David's lyrics and prayers interlaced in the songs and you are welcomed to an experience unlike any other worship CD you may have heard. David and Indigika rush unashamed towards God's heart and His kingdom through the hopeful "Arise and Shine", into the lamenting "Justice", coming to a musical pause appropriately at "Rest In His Promise". The CD wraps up with some of its best material, my favorites being "Hold Me" and the title track "When Justice Shines".
All at once you hear excellent production and musicianship layered with beautiful times of intercession and heartfelt prayer. It's not likely that many local bands can match the prowess of Indigika, but that is just the point. David isn't concerned if you sound like him or his band. He isn't worried if Nashville is listening or if any of these songs will be top radio hits. He simply abandons himself to Christ, expressed in a flavor of music that God has gifted his local church with.
I think it's a lesson we should all learn. Not to pick up this CD and try to imitate it, but to try to emulate rather the principle its built on- that we are all on a journey. Those journeys have common touch points, for sure. But each local church has a unique journey, and a unique voice to express its worship back to God. David Ruis has been a pioneer as a songwriter and worship leader for many years having written such songs as "You Are Worthy of My Praise" and "Every Move I Make". In this CD "When Justice Shines", he leads the way again- this time encouraging churches around the world to find their voice in Christ and sing their song while bringing God's mercy and justice to their local communities.
I am pleased to give "When Justice Shines" our Editor's Choice award. I strongly encourage you to consider getting this project- it will inspire and encourage you with its prophetic call, its amazing live musicianship and its unashamed message of abandon to Christ as we look for justice to the broken here on earth.
Product Link When Justice Shines
Review by Kim Gentes