Music Reviews (by Kim Gentes)
Back in the mid-90's Kim began writing impromptu reviews of church music CDs (worship music) so that people who were looking for CDs would have an opinion from someone who is also a worship leader and is garnering music for local church use. Up to this point, this was rarely something that was done, because church music was revered as sacred and it was thought that any offering of that sacred worship shouldn't be criticised or evaluated. In fact, Kim wasn't as much a critic as he was an evaluator, helping people find what fit their church. He began posting his reviews on line in a email discussion forum, called the Worship List (website). After a while, when he helped launch, he continued that same concept of trying to help other local church worship leaders and musicians find music that might be applicable to their situations. The reviews continued to be a part of that. went on to grow a staff of writers that would add many more reviews to the collection they have, but Kim continued to participate as a key reviewer. This journal logs all the reviews Kim has written on worship music CDs and projects.
Kim's reviews of CD projects of worship music includes independents, label and main stream recordings, but all having to do with worship music.
Entries in awards (1)
2008 Editor's Choice Annual Award Winners Congratulates
Album of the Year 2008
Stand In Awe
Producer: Casey Corum & Bob Hartry
Vineyard Music USA
Resource of the Year 2008
Live Audio Basics
Ron Davis
Down 2 Earth Audio Resources
We are pleased to announce the above winners of our annual Editor's Choice Awards. This Special Edition newsletter highlights each product and its significant contribution to the Body of Christ in equipping us and in pursuing the vision of "increasing worship in the earth".
We highly encourage you to to look at these "cream of the crop" resources below - we think they are the best available to the Body of Christ.
Kim Gentes & Staff
Stand In Awe
Producer: Casey Corum & Bob Hartry
Vineyard Music USA
We are proud to announce that "Stand In Awe" has earned the 2008 Editor's Choice Album of the Year. Recently Kim wrote a glowing review of this amazing CD. Here is some of what he had to say about it:
"..If you have felt (like me) disappointed by several popular CDs in the last few years, welcome you back to what a worship project should be- "Playlist: Stand In Awe" from Vineyard Music. One of the original vanguards of resourcing the church in worship, Vineyard has stayed true to its roots with great songs, while making continued strides in progressive musical production and sound with its arrangements and musicianship. The essence of a great worship song is its ability to resonate with the heart-cry of the worshiper. The "Stand In Awe" project is a wonderful set of worship songs that resonate clearly with followers of Christ....."
Live Audio Basics
Ron Davis
Down 2 Earth Productions
This great resource is packed with information and learning tools for live audio instructions. Hundreds of people and church have benefited from this timely resource. Here is some of what reviewer Jeremy Dunn had to say about it:.
"..At the heart of the "Live Audio Basics" 3-disc set is the DVD video hosted by producer and engineer Ron Davis. The DVD is packed with real world information about how to run a sound system and run it well. Not only is it informative, it's really entertaining with graphics, video clips and funny skits to help you remember the information. So if you think that learning about sound is all dry definitions and math, think again. But that's just scratching the surface of this DVD. It tackles subjects like signal path, monitors, EQ, and getting the perfect levels. It also has one of the best explanations of the mechanics of microphones that I have ever heard (this is the information that will take care of that pesky feedback). As if all that wasn't enough, Ron goes on the give insight into how sound technicians and musicians can understand each other and lots of other practical advice for becoming the best sound technicians you can be. It would be very hard to overstate the amount of detailed information that this DVD delivers. The title may include the word "basic" but believe me, you will thoroughly know the basics when you are finished.."