My God My King [single] - All Sons & Daughters (2013) - free download

The new album "All Sons and Daughters: Live" is a beautiful collection of fresh songs, done with wholehearted devotion. [a full review of this album will be coming soon to this blog]
One of my favorite songs on that album is "My God My King". A simple song of devotion, declaration and Psalm-like surrender from our heart to the King. As with other songs on this album, I found myself getting out my guitar and playing along. As the crisp lyrics rose of out my heart I was reminded of Psalm 9 and the similar theme and words used there to express thanks and praise.
I love where it echos that thanksgiving for God's goodness :
For You've been good always
You're good always
I encourage you to download BOTH the mp3 and the chord chart and engage with this song. Many thanks to my friends at Integrity Music for giving us permission to post this.
Below you will find download links for both the PDF chord chart and the mp3 audio file.
Be sure to chime in and let us know what you thought (post comments) and you are welcome to share this with friends on Facebook and twitter with your friends.
Free Song Download "My God My King" from Integrity Music
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Article by Kim Gentes
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