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As We Wait (an Advent Song) - Darrell Harris & Tyra Neftzger (2011)

We are all too often carried away by the complexities of modern music production and arrangements, and drawn away from the simplicity of both a song lyric and melody.  The purpose of a song is, after all, to draw lyric and music into a partnership and deliver a singular, powerful message. When a song does this, it becomes our song, our anthem, our community script for things we previously lacked the ability to say well together.

As Advent Season is upon us, I had the opportunity to hear a beautiful song that so perfectly punctuates the clarity of this season it instantly captured my heart in worship.  Through the song I was drawn up in waiting, in desire and returned powerfully to the coming kingship of the Christ as the song became my declaration of preparation for Emmanuel.  Because the song is so poignant and timely, I asked the writer, Darrell Harris, if I could share it with others. He graciously consented, and so I am delighted to present his song "As We Wait" below for you.

Simple, yearning, stark- its a delightful song in the hopeful pattern of the advent season. Feel free to use this resource. Below are three links: the mp3 audio demonstration, a basic PDF leadsheet, and the PDF SATB sheet music. If you choose to use this song, please respect the request of the authors and record any usage of this song in your regular CCLI reports.

As We Wait
by Darrell Harris & Tyra Neftzger
© 2011 Fields of Gold Publishing, Inc. and Petaluma Music ASCAP.  ALLRIGHTS RESERVED


Again, a heartfelt "Thank you" to Darrell Harris for sharing his fine song for the blessing of the broader church! 


With you in Hope 
Kim Gentes 


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Reader Comments (3)

As we wait, This is such a beautiful song . Longing for the King to come. O Yes Immanuel God with us. Such a simple tune easy to sing. Preparing the way in our hearts for His Coming . Will Share this with our Church. Really lovely. Thank you for Sharing . Blessings . Denise x

November 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDenise Jones

Beautiful song, simple, nice song for choir to sing as congregation takes communion. Thanks so much for making this song available.
Sharon Warden, St. Andrews Church, Interlachen, FL.

November 23, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSharon Warden

Thanks so much for helping us share As We Wait (Advent Acclamation) with others Kim! And many thanks for your generous spirit and kind words. Tyra should get the lion's share of the credit on this one. The rough draft of music and lyric were way more than almost home when he sent it to me. I have the pleasure of collaborating with him on a weekly basis developing an antphon or brief refrain for whichever Psalm we're using each Sunday in our house church. I love it when the partnership and dynamic in a collaboration become "second nature . . . like breathing out and breathing in." Advent shalom to all~ dh

November 23, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdarrell a. harris

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