A Place Called Surrender - Dave Lubben (2003)

Sometimes listening to CDs means we miss the whole point of a worship recording project. The idea that we are supposed to just "listen" to a music experience was not part of the heart or intention of most pastors, worship leaders or ministers. In fact, most of them would say that if all you did was listen to some nice songs, that they aren't interested in writing songs, making music and producing CDs.
Such is the case with Vertical Music newcomer, Dave Lubben. His freshman release is a completely live and personal journey into what is really worship. This does not involve the temporal items such as instruments, music and CDs, but the eternal action of laying down one's life, as a surrendering act of obedience, into the powerful peace of God's will. You could have learned this was on Dave Lubben's heart, and in God's heart for him (and us!), simply by reading the incredible story in the CD liner notes. I will leave you to do that, but even without the amazing story of life and death that surrounds the recording of this album, all one needs to do is simply participate in what is sung and spoken on this wonderful musical journal to catch the real "story". Aptly named, A Place Called Surrender is about the real message of Jesus. The message he gave to all who would come after him- that they should take up their cross and follow him.
Each song on this project weaves a tapestry of humility and praise that any follower of Christ can echo, in words and heart. From songs of building joy ("Lord Most High" and "King Of Nations") to plaintiff prayers like ("We Need You", "Save Us" and "Speak To Us") to songs of abandon and devotion ("Surrender" and "Lay It Down"), this engaging night of worship is not just a CD, but a beautiful collection of modern psalms. Initially, I was captivated by the energy and intensity of the opening cut "Lord Most High" and the heartfelt prayers included in the recording. As I continued on, I went from praise to prayer and finally to bowing on my bedroom floor in worship to Christ, tears running down my eyes as I found myself reflecting on the call of the lyrics on my favorite new song- track seven, "Speak To Me". Repentance is the response of our lives coming in contact with the Holy One, and as I echoed the words on that song, I found myself weighing sadly short of the scriptural themes being sung to God. As the CD continued on, the next track, "Lay It Down" has Dave Lubben reading from the text in Psalm 116 (verses 2, 3, 5, 7). As the lyrics of the song and the Scripture reading wash over you, the essence of this project will become pristinely clear- it is about expressing the true heart of worship (submission to God's will, brokenness, offering our lives to Christ, and repentance).
And while the experience is clearly out front on this new project from the re-launched Vertical Music (the youth label from Integrity Music), this CD is also purveyor of both excellent musical presentation and powerful songs for the church. In fact, the more you listen to this CD, the more the great work done by producer Nathan Nockels (from OneDay/Passion CDs, Philips, Craig & Dean "Let Your Glory Fall", Watermark and others) begins to shine. The presentation is aptly framed with accessible musical and vocal parts. Along with great song writing by Lubben, this album is absolutely full of usable, excellent songs for the church. Nockel's arrangement skills not only make strong presentation of the material for church use, but also give a wonderful diversity to the flow of the album. So the album is top notch stuff in the production department. But as I said before, that is clearly not the focus here- worship is.
If you are a worship leader looking for a cache of excellent new songs, you must give this project a serious listen. I will be listening to this CD for a long time... you simply will not get tired of it. I believe that songs from tracks 1 through 4, and tracks 7 through 10 provide the best set of songs on a single album that I have heard in a very long time. In fact, I have never recommended 8 songs from any single album ever! If you are like me, you would be skeptical of anyone claiming there was eight (yes 8!) strong, usable songs on an original album. So don't believe me, but make sure you check out the songs yourself by listening to the samples provided online. And thankfully, Vertical Music backs up this excellent CD by providing us with an entire suite of resources to get these songs to use in church (songbook, stereo tracks, and CD-ROM digital songbook).
This CD is easy to select as an Editor's Choice Award winner for me, for all the reasons I have given in this review. But again, don't take my word for it, check out the songs above for yourself. And remember, once you buy the CD for yourself, be sure to read the liner notes!
Product Link A Place Called Surrender - Dave Lubben
Review by Kim Gentes
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