Terry and Darlene Wildman, of Rain Ministries, led worship on Nov. 8 at the Worship Gathering, an event sponsored by WorshipMusic.com. It was an amazing call from the Lord that reached out to native peoples, and to all who were in attendance. The music of native drums, flutes and shakers combined with prayers and songs in both native and English tongue drew the worshipers into a deep sense of the presence of God. The result was a community of people lifting their hearts in praise, thanks and even repentance as they focused on the Lord. The evening concluded as those gathered called on the Lord to bless our native brothers and sisters and all the indigenous peoples as we come together under the Lordship of Jesus.
What was amazing about the music and ministry of RainSong wasn't just the songs or style, it was the reality of God's presence permeating the message. It was the brokenness turned to joy that is revealed when people hear the music of their own culture and native lands speaking the truth of Christ. This CD project captures this essence and this passion. 'Sacred Warrior' is more than a CD meant to reach native American peoples, it is a project born from the reality of a ministry that lives as a beacon of Jesus love in those communities. Rain ministries' Terry & Darlene Wildman are YWAM missionaries sent out from their home church of East Valley Vineyard (Mesa, AZ) who have made their home and are now living with the Hopi people in Northern Arizona. They live with, pastor, and reach out to them day in, day out.
It is in that context that these songs, and this album was born. And the songs are the key here (once again). You will be haunted by the call of the ancient flute in the opening track, beckoning all nations to rise and see the Creator God, and know that they can come boldly to the 'Throne of Grace' (track 2). You will be intrigued by the native calls and audibles in 'Hey Yahweh Hey' and 'Itanna Kwakwhay'. But beyond the interest in the unique style of the music, the heart of the songs draw not just native, but all people into declarations of devotion to the 'Sacred Warrior', Jesus.
This CD is not for everyone. It is not for those looking for copies of standard praise and worship, or for those looking for another pop worship mega-hit, or for those looking for amazing CD production. However, if you are looking for authentic worship in the musical form of blended and native American sounds, with true missional call to all peoples to worship God, then you have found something special in 'Sacred Warrior'.
I don't regularly tell people all the Kingdom benefits of why you should buy a CD, but I want to be clear on this one. The income that goes back to the people of RainSong, through this CD, goes to real ministry, that God is using to do His work in the native Hopi people's in Northern Arizona. If you'd like to participate in that kind of ministry, I'd encourage you to consider supporting it through checking out this CD, 'Sacred Warrior'.
You can listen to audio clips and see more info above as you consider whether to check out this CD. I hope you do!
Product Link you can buy RainSong CDs at http://www.rainsongmusic.com/thegoodroad/
Kim Gentes
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