Seth Parks isn't a person I have met before. But I know something about him. It's likely he enjoys music, but isn't enamored by it. It's likely he is well versed in life's pain and struggle, yet remains satisfied at the place of quiet confidence in Christ. And, oh ya, it's likely he knows how to put the dialog of his journey with Christ down onto paper in the form of good music, and devotional praise. How do I know this? I have been listening to his new worship CD. This new worship project is a diary of sorts telling the beauty and ashes, pains and joys struggle that declares 'Here is Life'.
From pensive steps in easy listening ballads to driving acoustic rock, Seth Parks highlights the journey of life with what real life is made of-- from the mundane to the brilliant! Whether intentional or simply the fruit of his life, everything on this new CD is connected with that premise. His declaration is that if the story of life with Jesus is worth telling at all, it is worth telling in honesty, and expressing through exceptional lyrics and genuinely innovative rhythms and melodies.
The songs found on this CD are superb. Creating continuity across lyric and music, Parks has made songs like 'Be Still' and 'Great And Marvelous' say and sound one message when the music actually follows with ardent purpose the content of the lyrics- very well done! The lyric-writing captures an crispness that can only present in a heart that has actually touched Christ's heart as Seth Parks says 'Jesus, where life in You is my reality' in title track 'Here Is Life' or when he sings these lines from the 'Great And Marvelous' track : 'So let heaven sound with Christ's reward/ And let earth exalt this Champion Lord/ Who triumphs over all His courses run/ Whose glory far outshines the sun/ Sing blessing to this Blessed King/ When, with justice, fear and love He brings/ I will bow and kiss the Son'.
And while the lyrics are well worth the listening, they are equaled by a consist ant strength and depth in both melodic support and musical creativity. In fact, after listening to the first 3 or 4 songs you may be tempted to think that Seth Parks wouldn't have much more new to say, but you would be wrong. This CD finishes as strong as it starts (which is saying a lot, considering the first two songs are so exceptional) with a great medley of 'Crucified' and 'Psalm 113' (a spontaneous song).
If you are looking for content for your local church, this CD has 6 songs I believe are especially strong in this regard (though musical tastes might find you selecting completely different songs at this point). The songs 'Here is Life', 'Be Still', 'Great And Marvelous', 'Strong Tower', 'Crucified' and 'Psalm 113' would all have application. All the songs on this CD are worthy of listening, but to get a good taste of the songs, be sure to go online and listen to the track samples and judge for yourself.
Because of the tremendous giftedness expressed in these songs, the wonderful music accompanying them, and the foresight to provide the church with the printed chord charts on the enhanced CD portion of this new project, I am happy to award 'Here Is Life' with the Editor's Choice Award.
Product Link Here Is Life - Seth Parks
Kim Gentes
p.s. a complete chord songbook for this album is INCLUDED on this CD!! Yes, this is an enhanced CD. Almost unheard of for an independent release, Seth Parks obviously cares about resourcing the church. Very rarely will independent projects include songbooks, but never do they actually include that content right on the CD! Kudos to Seth for having the foresight and putting in the work to see these songs are available for the Body of Christ to use in worship. So don't worry about buying something separate to get the chord charts for these great songs, just buy it here.
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