The appearance of a movie in this review journal does not mean that the movie is endorsed by Kim. He writes reviews of movies that he saw that he recommends people avoid as well as movies that he considers worth seeing. Aside from just critical approval regarding the film, some movies may not be suitable for you or your family. You must make that kind of determination on your own, and stay true to your own convictions on what is appropriate to see. Some movies are well made, but have offensive or difficult subject matter that is questionable to many viewers. Again, the reviews listed here should not be your only filter for whether or not a film is appropriate for you and and your family.
Additionally, Kim has his own view on what movies are and why he thinks they are a worthwhile aspect of current culture to be investigated. You certainly don't have to agree with Kim on his viewpoints of movies, and he would be surprised if you did.
Kim's thoughts on movies -
Movies are the modern art "experience" of our culture. They are transmitted in many forms, on screens in theatres, DVDs, television and even computers. They are the merge of classical theatrical acting and modern day technical set and experience creation (effects). The reason I enjoy and watch lots of movies is that they not only entertain, they communicate the nuances of our society. Of course, some have nothing to do with culture, its just greedy corporations trying to produce profits. I am a guy, and as such am not the ideal audience for romantic comedies or 'chick fliks'. However I am also a husband, and domestic bliss (as well as common sense) compels me to at least review them...occasionally. For the most part, you will find I like (and therefor review a lot of ) action, drama, science fiction, suspense and similarly themed movies.
Overall Grade: | A- |
Story: | B |
Acting: | A+ |
Direction: | A+ |
Visuals: | A+ |
Summary: Most films have a specific plot. They develop tension through the story, hoping to surprise you a bit with the conclusion and warm or thrill you along the way. Very few films try to approach a topic as broad as "the meaning of life" or as grand as "what happens when we die". The film "The Tree of Life" climbs into the ring with the epic Stanley Kubrick film "2001: A Space Odyssey" and tries to give us answers to what our universe is about. It is to be heralded for its attempt, though it will feel like its wash of ubiquitous meanderings may well leave viewers so unsure of what they just saw, they won't feel inspired to believe its premise. Some will get it, others simply won't stay interested long enough to wait out the proposals that the film makes.
Full Review: First, let me say that if my summary seems languishing and uncertain, you have just felt what most people will feel seeing the film. This creation of art is a truly breath-taking journey from no less than the beginnings of the universe until the virtual end of time (at least for our central family on which the story will finally rest). If you are considering watching "The Tree of Life", you need to know that this film is not meant to give you a sharp, well defined 90 minutes of story. Rather, the movie is meant to draw a visual understanding of the entire history of the universe, how we fit into that, where it might all be going and how an individual families story might make sense in that continuum.
If you think that goal is lofty, you apparently haven't met Terrence Malick, the writer and director of this movie. His vision of reality is certainly enthralling, though ultimately unsurprising. From a philosophical standpoint there is nothing new with his presentation. He is not breaking any new genres in origins theory or developing new ideas about life after death. What Malick does, though, is merge a good many of those ideas into a visual timeline that threads the viewer into a world that transgresses barriers of reality- from the ephemeral , physical here and now, to the eternal, other-worldly cosmic hereafter.
The problem with the film is that you can lose site of what he is doing, primarily because he does nothing to prime the audience where he is starting, where he is going and where you might be stopping along the way. One has to construct that by watching. For example, there is one segment in which he travels to the origins of time and takes literally 15 or more minutes without a word being spoken. You travel in and out of earth "space" and only hear fleeting words from the narrator, who ends up being a boy who is found on both sides of the alive and eternal spectrum.
What you eventually find out is that this boy has a story, and this film lands, finally, on his life and that of his family. The story arc progresses nicely then, with brief detours into cosmically other realities. The goal is for you to begin to see how everything is knit together, and yet how grand and important each person's life can be, if but for one proposition.
I won't give the point of the movie away, but it is certainly an insightful one. Not original, but certainly in agreement with many who have spoken on this topic of our grand purpose.
While the movie does have this vast self interest, it nonetheless does bring you poignantly into the world of a 50's reality in which a man and his family struggle with real life issues. Eventually, you come to the point of a death of one of the children. All this is beginning to make sense and gives context as you are occasionally flashed forward into a future time as well. Actors Brad Pitt, Sean Penn and Jessica Chastain become the fully embodied examples of humanity, life, joy, struggle and pain that we can see both on the screen and in ourselves. Pitt and Chastain are the best, and more prominent. Penn is cast as a brooding, lost man, still broken from some past event. He does well but remains too undeveloped to engage the audience other than perhaps feel as unsettled as his character does.
People who want a quick movie for a romantic date should avoid this film. People who want a heartwarming story with endearing clichés will also want to pass here. Creationists and evolutionists will each be enthralled and ultimately disappointed at a film that leaves room for literally a thousand interpretations. And that, I think, is the point. Malick attempts to draw such a grand vision that he leaves us asking far more questions just about his film than we had before we went into the theatre. I felt like this was good, and an inspiring journey along the way. There is a strong moral lesson at the end and I also think it is good (that helps when one agrees with it).
But there is something about the film that I also felt was contrived, especially where he looks to include symbols and metaphors from literally dozens of schools of thought from religion to science to philosophy to psychology. At times, it seems too much for a single film and loses potency with the over-reaching.
That said, it was one of the best films I have seen this year. I would recommend it to anyone wishing to see an engaging spectacle of thoughtful film with grand aspirations. You may not agree with Malick's perspective, but that may actually be the point of the film.
Amazon DVD Link: http://amzn.to/pBFvPm
Review by Kim Gentes.
Overall Grade: | A- |
Story: | A+ |
Acting: | A |
Direction: | B |
Visuals: | B |
Summary: Ingenious story, focused acting, indie grit visuals and daring direction that doesn't falter; content warnings- some offensive language, some violence and drug use. In my opinion, this movie is not for anyone under 15. Serious emotional and adult concepts that will be too much for any child. Again, this movie is rated R, and is not for children.
Full Review: We all strive to be something important in life. To make a mark, to be involved in something significant. We want to love and ultimately be loved for who we truly are. We want to be special. To someone. Les Franken (played by Michael Rapaport) is just just like you and I. He is looking for that time, place and relationship in which life fits, your contribution counts and things matter.
But like so many of us, the outward signs for Les are not harrowing his uniqueness in the universe. Quite the opposite. From his job, to his friends, to desolate outlook on his daily existence, Les's life is a deluge of despair all quietly festering in polite secrecy to the rest of world.
Until today. Les gets a chance to join a study for a final trial on an anti-depressant drug. In fact, the drug becomes all Les dreams- or more aptly- Les becomes all he dreams.
The story and preview market the movie as though it were some smart-neck comedy, but it is far from that. With blisteringly wry pathos "Special" delivers an unnerving look at the human soul. Simplistic at times and broken, as we all are, it reverts to the disparity between emotional hopes and the blunt force trauma of reality. There are plenty of coy hyperboles here, but all hit you like a sledgehammer instead of a joke. In the end, the movie watcher feels like the only joke has been in the shallow portrayal that Hollywood film so often (otherwise) makes of real people's problems.
This movie was brilliant, but it is not for everyone. If want a chuckle, don't go here. If you want an answer, you're not looking in the right spot either. But sometimes to find a crumb of truth, you need to search for something found only in pain and failure. And into this world you go, with Les as your guide. And if you can handle the journey, you will indeed find something Special.
Amazon Link : http://amzn.to/UKJlKW
Review by Kim Gentes.
The real punishment happened to those who bought tickets.
Overall Grade: | D- |
Story: | D+ |
Acting: | D- |
Direction: | F |
Visuals: | D |
Summary: Average story, bad casting, poor acting, disgustingly poor visuals and a director that fell asleep; content warnings- prolonged scenes of intense violence and B-movie gore.
For this movie, its hard to pick where to start with the review. Out of the gate, I think the casting was the core problem. Maybe the most effective and believable death blow in the film was dealt by Jennifer Smith and Tricia Wood whose work on casting strung together a group of misfit action and side-line characters that can't play their roles. It starts with Ray Stevenson who is abysmally cast as Frank Castle, the Punisher. I rarely compare movies in a series when leads change, but Thomas Jane did a crisp rendition of the Marvel Comic vigilante in the 2004 release of the Punisher. He was emotive when engaged in human contact and dark and brooding when overtaken by greif and vengence as the story calls for. Stevenson looks thoughtless and dismissive of the role he is given. When he has a scene to strike the tension of human and vengeful warrior, he plummets into cutesy comments and unconvincing stoic acknowledgement of emotions. It was lame.
Dominic West who plays the villian, Jigsaw, is given a corny set of lines that don't come close to anything other than a comedic failure of the essense intended for his character. The normally intensely brilliant Doug Hutchison tries to save the film with his always intense acting, but is given unbelievably over the top dialog and scenes which comprise of him biting a man to death and joking about "axing" someone a question which he chases him down with a tree chopper. If it was just a action filled movie with reasonable violence that made sense, I'd have chalked it up to a standard Hollywood grab at the "guy movie" for the holidays. But this was so poorly executed, they saw the writing on the wall. To rescue it, they threw in way over-the-top gore scenes of just plane stupid violence. Nothing about the movie made sense. Stevenson didn't even look fit for the the agile, near super-quick and smart actions scenes of the Punisher. He was slow, unconvincing and kept looking like he was ready for a latte break.
Honestly, I'd rather have watched the 2004 version of the Punisher again (for the 10th time) than watch this movie. I wouldn't even recommend you renting it for any reason. There is nothing there to watch, unless maybe you like campy 50's, B-movie gore attempting to be a big time action film. One has to wonder whether rumors of a dispute with the director, Lexi Alexander, and the movie company Lionsgate didn't have some effect here. This film looks like Alexander worked for the first 45 minutes, when let chaos reign on the set, not just the story line.
Thoroughly disappointing and disgusting.
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/SxJzok
Review by Kim Gentes.
Overall Grade: | C+ |
Story: | B+ |
Acting: | C |
Direction: | B- |
Visuals: | F |
As a movie, I liked the premise, most of the acting and the dialog in this film. I will say upfront that I am a Christian. What I appreciated about this film is that it brings to the front some major aspects of anti-Christian thought. That might sound dichotomous, but the truth is most Christians find it hard to think about how to respond to simple points like the ones brought up in this film.
The film is all dialog. No visuals, no scene change, one set, and about a half a dozen actors. The visuals were actually not only simplified and stark, but poor and grainy. One recognizes the need to keep a low budget in such a film, but actual bad visual footage is not acceptable even in independent films.
I did like the mental gymnastics that Bixby makes in the dialog, as it gives good journey of thought to how some people can believe certain things. Sadly, there are several historical errors in the context of the film that make the journey simply factually misinformed. The historical aspects of much of the Ancient Christian era disputed by this film are simply wrong and in fact many prominent non-Christian and anti-Christian sources (contemporaries of the times of the original writings) clearly refute the errors presented by this film. Most prolific example was Josephus' 1st century extensive writings confirming much of the gospel accounts- though he remained a thoroughly non-Christian Jew. Even more pointedly Celsus' 175AD paper "The True Doctrine: A Discourse against the Christians" in which a devout anti-Christian clearly articulated that the then current Christian core belief that Jesus Christ (a man) was God. There are extensive examples of Christian writings supporting both historical details and time era references, but since this movie was clearly written to discredit Christian historical veracity, I have only listed non-Christian examples here.
That said, the film is a fun one to watch. Yes, as many have pointed out, it will offend some Christians, since it clearly is an anti-Christian basis in its message. I think the dialog is worthwhile, because it is well-thought, though ultimately misinformed historically. Laid on top of the bad history (related to Christianity) is a definite anti-Christian polemic at every major juncture.
As science fiction it is a fun yarn. Considering the idea that a man can have the biological possibility to live 14,000 years. Very interesting.
All in all, worth watching, though I think it would be more convincing if it didn't mangle history against Christians, and add statements like "it was all about Church power" in such a misapplied way. This statement, for example, certainly finds a strong resonance in the Medieval and later centuries, but the first 300-400 years the Christian church was persecuted and martyred under several Roman emperors and other local authorities. The dialog Bixby puts forth is that the words of Jesus were twisted in the early days to gain power in the church structure, but this could not be more erroneous since being a Christian in the first 400 years, being a Christian and believing those core tenants of faith meant certain persecution, imprisonment, torture, dismemberment and likely martyrdom. No group of people willingly makes up a set of beliefs (beliefs, which I have said are clearly agreed upon even by non and anti-Christian observers from the earliest days) about their faith, their God (in this case Jesus) and his teachings that would guarantee their persecution for 400 years.
If one is writing a polemic against Christians, one could write about the atrocities later introduced by truly corrupt Popes, emperors and rulers who usurped and married church structure to political establishment to gain control of over people and nations, to go to war and to kill dissenters to their cause of particular brand of theology. There are plenty of examples of bad things Christian religious structures have done (clearly against the historical and biblical tenants on which they claimed to be based). If one is to write against those, that would not only be historically accurate but also a proper lesson for future generations to avoid such abhorrent versions of faith activity.
Bixby ultimately weakens his film by negotiating against history to make his anti-Christian points. He could have done much better.
Again, because many Christians read my reviews, I will warn you- this film will offend you as it is written to discredit the core beliefs of Christian faith. If you cannot handle watching something critical in that light, you will want to skip this film.
Amazon Link: Man From Earth [Blu-ray]
Review by Kim Gentes