It was good, until the movie started.
Overall Grade: | C |
Story: | C |
Acting: | C+ |
Direction: | C |
Visuals: | B |
You ever get the feeling that someone handed a great idea over to a bunch of 7th graders? If so, you have probably seen Jumper. This is the action/sci-fi/adaptation gone awry from author Steven Gould. The screenplay underwent a couple of revisions and direction landed with Doug Linman. Perhaps another couple script revisions were in order here. Jumper has a fun premise- teleportation. Certainly people are gifted genetically to teleport, or so the story goes. David Rice (played by Hayden Christensen) is one of those people. The story follows David as he grows from adolesence to adulthood, though he remains selfishly focused throughout. The story has a few plot twists, but nothing teleports the audience to a believable or even enjoyable place. Ultimately, the film ends with less pizzazz than it starts and the audience is left wondering how such a cool idea was maimed into the resulting film. There are touches of interesting action, but the plot and the characters remain undeveloped. Christensen has even less acting presence in this film than he did in the Star Wars episodes where we played Anakin Skywalker. In fact, he still continues to brood of seemingly nothing in this film, leaving me to believe that he has about 3 poses and about zero acting ability.
The film would have been a good rental or netflix download, but paying full price was probably leaving us all feeling like someone just teleported off with our hard-earned money.
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/S2Xnsz
Review by Kim Gentes
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