Sahara (2005)

Surprise! it isn't lame
Overall Grade: | C |
Story: | C+ |
Acting: | C |
Direction: | C- |
Visuals: | C |
Mathew McConnahey or whatever... he kinda bugs me as an actor.. he just seems weird to me.. anyways.. I was thinking I would not like this film. In fact, I wasn't planning on seeing it, but got to theatre and our date night needed a film. It was all that was available. So we saw it.
The film actually turned out to be quite a fun little jaunt through Africa. It was surprising to me that the story had some cool worldwide "outbreak" sickness groove in it. And, it actually included some cool action scenes and detective work.
Well, you will enjoy the humor in this one as much as the action. None of it was memorable, but all of it was reasonable and watchable. Good DVD rental for sure. But don't bank this for anything close to an epic.

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