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The Princess Bride (1987)

theprincessbride_dvdcover.jpgOne of my all time favorite, just plain fun movies

Overall Grade:A

No one likes some good old fasion escapism more than today's American family. Problem is, most films you see will teach your kids things you don't want them to really know. Have an afternoon or evening of time set aside to hang with the family and just can't find a decent film for everyone to enjoy.

Well, my friend, you have hit the jack pot here. The Princess Bride is a silly, two-tiered, all-fun flick that will have the kids laughing and mom and dad rolling on the floor. No one need worry about plot, though, there is a nice little fantasy about a young man winning the princess. This film is certainly not a plot-monger, but who cares! The jokes are layered nicely, in that modern-day Disney-esque way, where the kids love the surface level jokes and juxtapositions, and the parents are bursting out laughing at all the idiotic (yet higher level) meanings of the movie dialog.

From the historic chess dialog, to the raising of a dead person with a piece of chocolate, to fighting giant rats amidst fire bursting ground to dueling the dread pirate roberts, to the quest to revenge against the man with 6-fingers-- this hilarious fairy tale is unforgettable.

Not only should you get this DVD, but you will want to watch it regularily until all members of the family are speaking fluent "Princess Bride" dialog as your family code.

Rob Reiners best film ever.

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