In the past, I would post only book reviews pertinent to worship, music in the local church, or general Christian leadership and discipleship. Recently, I've been studying many more general topics as well, such as history, economics and scientific thought, some of which end up as reviews here as well.
Over 1600 years ago a young man made a journey- from a life dedicated to fulfillment in sexual passions and rhetorical conjecture to spiritual discovery and embrace of Christ and the church. That young man wrote down his story in what many consider to be the first autobiography in Western literature- "The Confessions". "Confessions" was written by Saint Augustine, who would later become the famed bishop of Hippo (Hippo Regius). His literary output, along with his philosophical and theological stature, made him one of the famed 35 "Doctors of the Church" throughout history.
The essence of the book is framed well by its title- this is the testimony of a man who pours out his confession and remorse of sins, all the while showing almost no regard for his own piety as viewed through posterity. But Augustine is anything but thoughtless. He is seen as one of the great theological thinkers in all church history. But "Confessions" shows us the strength and expanse of his character- his ability to be fully intellectual in logic and rhetorical arts, while being completely aware and involved through his passions and senses. He argues convincingly, at times, through understandings of sin, grace and even the essence of time, and yet feels, cries, repents, anguishes and joys all the experiences of his life.
"Confessions" first several books (chapters) are a chronological account of Augustine's life, beginning literally at his birth and eventually leading up to his conversion and eventual baptism into the Catholic church. He talks extensively about his vices related to sexual relationships, his search for "truth" (as found through various academic and religious pursuits) and his desire for integrity in ethics (viewed through scepticism of others dishonesty and his realization of his own duplicity).
Augustine was searching for the reality of eternity, joined the "trendy" religion of the day (Manichaeism) and pursued a worldly career with much success and promise (professor of rhetoric). Hints of his eventual conversion are seen early in his life, his mother being an ardent Christian. Augustine has deeply Platonic seeds planted by his "enlightenment" of true happiness that occurs when he reads Cicero's Hortensius, which disavows physical pleasures for the search of truth. Through a brilliant mind he deduced the fallacies of much of the materialist philosophies of his day and (at least in his intellectual pursuit) seems to be pounding on the church door to find God by the time he is finally captured into Christ by the words and influence of Ambrose, the brilliant orator and bishop in Milan.
Throughout the volumes, Augustine is deeply philosophical about a range of things related to internal sins and thoughts and temptations, but once he is converted and is baptized, his life turns completely from his focus on a secular career and sin indulgences. This is not because he has no more desires, but because he struggles with them, confronts them and ruthlessly surrenders his life to teachings of scripture and direction of the church. Once "in", Augustine becomes clear champion of the faith combating his former vices (especially Manichaeism and astrology) by writing and arguing against them. "Confessions" itself is part of that legacy of Augustine's apologetics. The book itself has a final section of 4 chapters that are starkly different than the first 9. Moving from an autobiographical style, Augustine moves into philosophical and intellectual explorations of the topics of time, eternity, matter, form, creation and even the Trinity. In the last two chapters he moves into a rhetorical interpretation of Genesis 1/2, explaining his thoughts on creation and trying to confer the possibilities of how portions might be scientific (though he never uses that term) and/or allegorical.
"Confessions" is a deeply human book, expressing for the ages the plight of the human soul- its vices, joys and ultimately its discovery of true purpose in the person of Christ. Augustine has a highly developed sense of emotions in this book, but it is coupled with a brilliant mind whose introspections range from core Christianity to profound theology. Though there are some topics and ideas that are obviously bound in the 4th century, along with its author, so much of this book is truly "modern", even "post-modern", in that Augustine looks both to philosophical thought and deductive experience to parse through the theories and realities he is facing in his quest for God.
The book is relatively short (270-300 pages depending on the version you have) and should be at the top of the reading list for any thoughtful person searching for truth, for reality and ultimately, for God. To struggle through "Confessions" is to struggle alongside Augustine, and indeed with the human narrative, from our base nature into the reality of spiritual discipleship and life. If you have this book for a school/college assignment, don't be afraid, get reading. It will not be disappointing. A true classic.
The great thing is, this book is available in every format, from paperback (I have the Penguin Classics edition), to digital book (I recommend the Oxford version for Kindle), and even on digital audio book.
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/12PaLZT
Review by Kim Gentes
The central character of all Christendom is, of course, the person of Jesus. Yet, across even the Christian community there is much conjecture about some of the main tenants of the faith. An understanding of who Jesus is, why he came and what he accomplished are essential. Historian and theologian N.T. Wright approaches this subject as both a scholar and pastoral leader by combining the major points of his thesis from "Jesus & the Victory of God" (a complex scholarly graduate-level book) and the summarizing of "The Challenge of Jesus" (a much smaller book for local churches). Wright attacks the questions that people have about Jesus as a real, historical figure and the claims which Christians often take as "normal" for the faithful. But rather than deep technical renderings of logic and argument (such as his repudiations of others such as Dominic Crossnan in "Jesus & the Victory of God"), Wright focuses simply on explaining most of his reasoning from the scriptures themselves and drawing the backdrop from his work in history.
Wright does a brilliant job of explaining what he considers is the "real Jesus", one based on the historical context of the social, political and religious forces at work in the time of Jesus on earth. He does this primarily by explaining the three main forces driving the context for the narrative of the Gospels. The first force is the Roman empire and its dominating political and military control that crushes down on the middle east and the people of Israel. The second force is the ethos and history of the Jews, especially as it has been galvanized by the Maccabean dynasty, whose rebellious origins are the archetype for a series of nationalistic uprisings meant to free the Jews from a stream of dominating overlords (including the Greeks/Persians, Egyptians, Syrians, Parthians and Romans). The last great force is the self-critical voice of the prophetic tradition of the Jewish prophets. Wright explains each of these "forces" as a type of storm system which come together in the time and story of Jesus appearance to contribute to a kind of "perfect storm". Jesus positions his message- the kingdom of God- as the singular clear response to this perfect storm.
It is in the midst of this meteorological metaphor that Wright explains Jesus vocation with this brilliant language:
And with that, the sea is lashed into a frenzy; the wind makes the waves dance like wild things; and Jesus himself strides out into the middle of it all, into the very eye of the storm, announcing that the time is fulfilled, that God’s kingdom is now at hand. He commands his hearers to give up their other dreams and to trust his instead. This, at its simplest, is what Jesus was all about.1
What I love about this book is that the author is very clearly speaking to "everyman" here, and yet he still takes the opportunity to teach valuable history and theology. This book is poignantly underpinned by Wright's foundational understanding of Jesus as the herald announcing, enacting and resetting our definition of God as the new king progressively taking over earth. Jesus reconstitutes the sacred symbols of temple and time around himself, which is the ultimate repudiation of Jewish religious systems and leaders- which is what leads to his death. Wright also makes it clear that Jesus was calling for a complete revolution and was himself a revolutionary leader in every aspect of the word- except military. Jesus announcement of a "new kingdom" could not, and would not, be seen as non-political, and the degree to which it was reinforced the Roman engagement (along with the Jewish leader's angst) in Christ's eventual crucifixion. The author doesn't say that it is only political, but that Jesus was calling for a new king in charge- God himself- in every aspect of cultural, familial and political sphere.
The final, short section of the book deals with the results of Jesus claims as they are played out in the lives of his disciples and the early church.
I very much enjoyed this book by N.T. Wright. I feel it has more accessibility than many of his books, and obviously that is the intent here. He succeeds. It is also a very convincing coalescence of several of his themes presented in other books (the aforementioned, as well as "How God Became King"). He does this through his well paced metaphor (perfect storm) without descending into the depths of critical historical argumentation.
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/16KZMgH
I highly recommend this book.
Review by Kim Gentes
1. Wright, N. T. (2011-10-25). Simply Jesus: A New Vision of Who He Was, What He Did, and Why He Matters (p. 56). HarperCollins. Kindle Edition.
Economics is often a much maligned area of study. Say the word "economics" to a bunch of bankers and you will doubtless get endless theories of investment vehicles, interest rate charts and inflation debates. Say the same word to government officials and you will get long monologues on monetary policy, interventionism vs social responsibility and unemployment numbers. Say "economics" to a person balancing their checkbook or a small business owner and you will get responses about debt, taxes, capital expenditures and return on investment. However, each of these responses are centered around a manifestation of economic ideas- but they are not truly what economics is. In the massive volume "Human Action: A Treatise on Economics", Austrian professor Ludwig von Mises explains economics as the meaning and conduct of people towards a specific end. It is, above all else, action and its meaning. To quote von Mises:
Economics is not about things and tangible material objects; it is about men, their meanings and actions.1
To grasp von Mises entire thesis, you must understand his perspective for which economics is primarily aiming. Specifically, von Mises believes that action is taken to achieve a goal. He says:
Strickly speaking the end, goal, or aim of any action is always the relief from a felt uneasiness.2
For von Mises, the study of economics is the study of human actions meant at achieving relief from uneasiness (or "want satisfaction"). Based on that premise, "Human Action" became the seminal text of what is commonly called the Austrian School of economics. The book is long (about 1150 pages) and delves as much into the nature of human decision making as it does in its results. It is for this reason that the book is rife with long and detailed arguments in support of laissez-faire economics and the free enterprise system as the only way in which successful "want satisfaction" can be achieved for the broadest benefit of the society. Most succinctly, von Mises ties the ideological superstructure of liberalism, constitutions, bills of rights, and laws- all forms of social, religious and political freedoms- to their counterpart in economic freedom that is instantiated in free market system of modern capitalism. Ludwig von Mises spares no words on his socialist, interventionist and Marxist counterparts, and provides extensive and clear explanations on the errors of such economic thought.
The author provides deft guidance to his book's approach in these introductory sentences:
What is commonly called the "industrial revolution" was an offspring of the ideological revolution brought about by the doctrines of the economists. The economists exploded the old tenets: that it is unfair and unjust to outdo a competitor by producing better and cheaper goods; that it is iniquitous to deviate from the traditional methods of production; that machines are an evil because they bring about unemployment; that it is one of the tasks of civil government to prevent efficient businessmen from getting rich and to protect the less efficient against the competition of the more efficient; that to restrict the freedom of entrepreneurs by government compulsion or by coercion on the part of other social powers is an appropriate means to promote a nation's well-being. British political economy and French Physiocracy were the pacemakers of modern capitalism. It is they that made possible the progress of the natural sciences that has heaped benefits upon the masses. What is wrong with our age is precisely the widespread ignorance of the role which these policies of economic freedom played in the technical evolution of the last two hundred years. People fell prey to the fallacy that the improvement of the methods of production was contemporaneous with the policy of laissez faire only by accident.3
"Human Action" is not a book for casual reading, and requires you to learn and maintain a new subset of vocabulary which will be needed for interpreting this book. The terms "praxeology" (which means, actions) and "catallactics" (meaning- exchanges) are used hundreds of times and become self-evident within the text, but von Mises layers on this dozens of words which have limited meaning outside of scholars and university studies. Still, the book is deeply enthralling. If you are a logician, you will find his arguments and structured presentation to be euphoric.
Above everything else, Ludwig von Mises is a champion of freedom. Certainly, this thesis aims at the freedom of economics, but he attacks, and defeats with logic, dozens of misguided theorems which come from the the impulse of people to control others. It seems he doesn't believe in capitalism because of its benefits only, but because it is an expression of freedom, as much as speech, political liberalism, freedom of religion and any other form. In that vein, he confronts the manifestations of doctrines which oppose freedom up to and including war-mongering. His summary sentences on aggression are poignant and brilliant:
How far we are today from the rules of international law developed in the age of limited warfare! Modern war is merciless, it does not spare pregnant women or infants; it is indiscriminate killing and destroying. It does not respect the rights of neutrals. Millions are killed, enslaved, or expelled from the dwelling places in which their ancestors lived for centuries. Nobody can foretell what will happen in the next chapter of this endless struggle. This has nothing to do with the atomic bomb. The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest. It is probable that scientists will discover some methods of defense against the atomic bomb. But this will not alter things, it will merely prolong for a short time the process of the complete destruction of civilization. Modern civilization is a product of the philosophy of laissez faire. It cannot be preserved under the ideology of government omnipotence. Statolatry owes much to the doctrines of Hegel. However, one may pass over many of Hegel's inexcusable faults, for Hegel also coined the phrase “the futility of victory” (die Ohnmacht des Sieges). To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable. The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.4
This is just one example of von Mises broad but systematic approach to understanding human action and its good and bad forms of expression. This example highlights his broadness of vision, his highly developed understanding of philosophical underpinnings of humanity, and above all, his ability to clearly distinguish the ideas of human intention from the realities of human action.
Of course, there are the long and extensive descriptions of dozens of items such as monetary, inflationary, and governmental policies, interest rates, free trade, taxation, theory of value and much more.
What you gain from reading the book is an exploration of the ideas and motivations that lead to decisions, that produce specific results, and that assist or hamper the actual perpetuation of a free market system. This is a scholarly book and delves deeply into its subject of praxeology and catallactics. The minor errors with this book are centered mostly around the attempt it makes to be progressive relative to the time of writing- by including relevant "current" examples, the subject and examples are dated to the era in which the original and revisioned versions were printed. None of us can escape our time period of existence, but Mises exposes some of his own prejudices and angst by doing so. The book could have done without those. At times as well, his deriding of socialist and interventionist motivations run far deeper than probably most people's intentions who take opposing views. It is understandable that Mises is trying to hold serve against the prevailing Keynsians and New Deal advocates of his era, but at times Mises rhetoric becomes so sarcastic as to be vitriolic.
However, we can forgive both these misteps partly because it would take such a strong and detailed opposing voice (which von Mises provides therein) to successfully dismantle the vices and embedded character of government planning, control, and what Mises would consider socialist economic agendas. We can further forgive von Mises because, in the end, he wins. The fall of almost every communist and social planning state in the world (most of which collapsed or revolted during the 20th century) was the ultimate proof that the free market system is its own validation. As is proven by many other texts and studies, capitalism is the resulting manifestation of liberalism being played out in the realm of economic reality- and that reality, however cyclical and unpredictable, has proven for the last 300 years to the be the only system which could produce vast increases in the production, standard of living and per capita income of its entire population. We can forgive Mises bluntness for the simple fact that he has been proven right.
The book "Human Action" has became the bedrock of Austrian School economics and the cited source that grounded much further work from champion economists who took up the banner of free market thinkers such as Milton Friedman and others. One need not agree with all the sharp criticisms of von Mises towards his opponents, but we are shocked to find out how much of his sharp criticism (that might have sounded preposterous at the time of writing) now seems all too obvious in its results in reality. If you are studying economics, this will doubtless be one of the main works you must read to be thoroughly informed. While it is exceptionally articulate and filled with specifics, it remained unfettered by meaningless side notes (which is often common in economics texts).
An iconic and foundational book on the study of economics from the view of classic liberalism. A landmark.
Amazon Link: http://amzn.to/ZoxhYX
Review by Kim Gentes
1. Mises, Ludwig von (2009-03-30). Human Action: Scholar's Edition (LvMI) (Kindle Location 2413). Ludwig von Mises Institute. Kindle Edition.
2. Ibid., (Kindle Location 2406)
3. Ibid., (Kindle Location 856-865)
4. Ibid., (Kindle Locations 16189-16199)
Many of us didn't grow up in a traditional church background. We had heard of Jesus as children, but only remembered his figure on a felt flannel board in our few visits to church. We knew he died, but weren't quite sure how that mattered to us. When we later became followers of Jesus, it took a while to learn the new bespoke lingo. After a few years of being Christians, we felt too embarrassed to admit we still hadn't figured out the seasonal words like lent, passion week and advent. (I was a Christian 10 years before finding out lent had nothing to do with that stuff in my pocket, passion week had nothing to do with earthly desires and advent didn't sound very "adventurous" at all)
If we had dug deeper, we'd have found out that those words were just a capstone to a world of devotion that could transfix the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Christ and the celebrations of the historic church across an entire calendar year. For almost two thousand years, the church has remembered this story of Christ and his followers not just by historical writings, but by participation. This remembering by participation is the crux of Christian liturgy and the Christian calendar.
In "Rise: An Eight Day Easter Devotional", Dan Wilt (author, teacher, speaker, radio host) crafts a planned but luscious menu for the soul of the Christian, feeding them through the Passion week. If this devotional is a menu, each day is a meal- and a full meal it is! Beginning at Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter), Wilt lays out a daily devotional that brings you through to Easter Sunday with clear purpose and rich understanding. Each day's devotional contains an introductory paragraph, a short scripture quotation, a concise devotional teaching, a brief reflective prayer and a summary question. And while the devotional resource has an inspiring aesthetic, the beauty of this booklet is its terse format woven around such a deeply meaningful prose.
The devotional is just twenty pages in length, but begins smartly by opening the reader to an understanding of the language of what Easter is, and even an historical and scriptural sketch of its significance. Having personally walked through the devotional myself, I found each day a significant encounter for my mind and heart to engage with God. As Wilt says in his prose, "Baptism has always been the perfect visual for what happens when the Easter story becomes our own", so it is in this devotional. One becomes engaged not through the accumulation of good teaching (though that is here). Rather it is through the participation in which the believer is guided that this devotional springs to life.
Through this daily journey you will learn to see the triumphal entry, turn the table on idolatry, wait in the right way, make worship lavish, feast on the last supper, enter the cross, live between the times and rise with Christ to life! This resource is concise, and so is my recommendation- engage with this devotional! It is excellent!
If you have the privilege of reading a printed version already provided through your church (and many thousands of you already do), I encourage you to take it in daily through this week. Even if you haven't begun yet- start now! I am going to be re-using this for regular reflection times throughout the year.
If you don't have access to a printed version of the devotional, you can purchase a digital copy here:
The "Rise: An Eight Day Easter Devotional" is a produced and distributed through Vineyard Resources, but is applicable and useable for any biblical Christian or group.
Risen in Christ,
Kim Gentes
Review of "Naturally Supernatural" by Gary Best
View more about Gary Best.
Let me share a true story with you.
It was 1987. I was visiting friends in Surrey, BC, Canada. One night, they invited me to go to a church class on praying for the sick. I went. At the end, the leader announced it was 'clinic time'. He invited sick people to get prayer. Brave man, I thought. He asked each person what was wrong, and taught others to pray for them. One person had to literally whisper because his throat had swollen so much over the last few days, it was causing him to barely be able to speak. The leader stopped, like he wasn't sure what to do. He looked at the class and said "Jesus often healed from compassion. Let's see who the Lord puts His compassion in their heart for this man."
As soon as he said the word "heart", my heart took one giant beat, feeling as if it was going to explode out of my chest. I'd never experienced this before. At the same time this happened I involuntarily and immediately gasped for air. The leader turned and looked straight at me.
"Oh no," I thought. I wasn't sure what was happening to me, but I didn't think it had anything to do with the meeting and I hadn't meant to get his attention. I quickly said out loud, "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."
"No, that's ok. What happened?" he asked. I explained that the moment he said the word heart my own chest felt like it was going to explode. He smiled and asked me to come to the front to pray for the man. I was unsure and not filled with faith. After a few moments of following his instructions and praying for the old man with the throat problem, the man's eyes got wide and excited. He smiled, and his eyes began to tear up. He started speaking. The swelling had gone down and he was feeling completely better. I was shocked.
This was my first time meeting Gary Best. From that time forward, my life has been changed with a desire and faith see God's kingdom become present in my life. I became aware that God's love was ready to intervene, to heal and to confront the evil of this world with the power of His Spirit. This book clearly articulates the main points of Gary's thesis- that the Good News of the gospel of Jesus is really "good news"; and that we are to join in the mission of Jesus and the early disciples to see that same good news demonstrated today.
The book is well written and very easy to follow. Beginning with Gary's personal story of his reluctant introduction to the "Naturally Supernatural", the author traces through the gospel of Mark and explores the challenges of the equally confounded first century apostles who found stepping out in faith as mystifying, yet necessary, if they were going to follow Christ. The author explores a logical progression of his own building faith through trial and error as the book teaches the reader about the gifts, seeing what God sees, prayer, empowerment, reaching out and persevering.
The content and personal exploration (and humility) of the author with the topics make the book not only easy to read but enjoyable. If you are the type of person that is skeptical about "healing", I'd recommend this book to you. Not because it argues indepth about theological points and wins the day, but because it balances nicely between the concepts, the scriptural underpinnings and personal examples. More than any other book I've read, "Naturally Supernatural" clearly articulates the passionate, yet thoughtful approach that is the main-stay of the Vineyard church's kingdom of God approach to ministry. What makes the book wonderfully Christ-centered, in my opinion, is it's unrelenting focus on God's love. As Best puts it:
"Our great encouragement," I told them, "is that we can't heal anyone. If anything is to happen, the critical factor will be God's faithfulness. What we can do, however, is love and then simply reach for all that God will gift us to do."1
Gary Best never allows the gifts become the "toy" or trophy of his teaching or practice. In "Naturally Supernatural", the place of healing and all supernatural gifts are the subordinated functionaries given to spread the good news of God's love to a broken world.
After reading through this book, I realized how much of Gary's teaching had been a lifelong dedication to seeing God's good news become reality for others. What I had encountered back in 1987 was just a sample of how God has continued to use Gary over the last 25 years and, by God's grace on his continued ministry, travel and writing, the good news of Jesus has been flourishing.
If you haven't read this book, I strongly encourage you to get it and read it. Very good, and very worthwhile!
Let me end with another personal story.
I just finished reading Gary Best's "Naturally Supernatural". That night, my family decided to drive to a small chicken stop in northeast Nashville (a unique place called "Prince's Hot Chicken Shack", very spicy). While we were eating, a lady walked by our table, talking across the room to a friend about her recent battle with cancer. When we were done eating, my son Jared told me he felt like he should pray for the lady before we left. I encouraged him to go with that compassion. My other son, Jordan, joined him. They approached the lady and soon were welcomed at her table. They listened intently, and with compassion, to the lady's story of her battle with cancer. Then they prayed with compassion and asked God to heal her completely. She began to tear up and hugged Jared. Other members of the table shook his hand and embraced him as well. My sons had prayed in faith, taken a risk of showing love to a stranger, and left trusting that God's faithfulness would have to prevail for the woman to be healed. As a parent, you're never quite sure how your "words of wisdom" are being heard by your kids. But the things I'd been introduced to in 1987 have impacted my life and, later, that of my children. And what I have continued to learn, my sons had been learning too.
What encourages me about Gary's book is that it's message is something that can be a teaching tool and lens through which people can better understand the kingdom of God and its practical application of the good news of Jesus.
If you are interested in reading something that will encourage you in learning about those things, I strongly encourage you to consider this book.
Amazon Link : http://amzn.to/13XrKcn
Order from the author directly at : naturallysupernaturalthebook.wordpress.com
Also, if you are interested in more about the author, or contacting him you can do so at this link: Gary Best.
In Christ's love,
Kim Gentes
1. Best, Gary (2005-03-01). Naturally Supernatural (Kindle Locations 1290-1291). Vineyard International Publishing. Kindle Edition.