In the past, I would post only book reviews pertinent to worship, music in the local church, or general Christian leadership and discipleship. Recently, I've been studying many more general topics as well, such as history, economics and scientific thought, some of which end up as reviews here as well.
Review of "Naturally Supernatural" by Gary Best
View more about Gary Best.
Let me share a true story with you.
It was 1987. I was visiting friends in Surrey, BC, Canada. One night, they invited me to go to a church class on praying for the sick. I went. At the end, the leader announced it was 'clinic time'. He invited sick people to get prayer. Brave man, I thought. He asked each person what was wrong, and taught others to pray for them. One person had to literally whisper because his throat had swollen so much over the last few days, it was causing him to barely be able to speak. The leader stopped, like he wasn't sure what to do. He looked at the class and said "Jesus often healed from compassion. Let's see who the Lord puts His compassion in their heart for this man."
As soon as he said the word "heart", my heart took one giant beat, feeling as if it was going to explode out of my chest. I'd never experienced this before. At the same time this happened I involuntarily and immediately gasped for air. The leader turned and looked straight at me.
"Oh no," I thought. I wasn't sure what was happening to me, but I didn't think it had anything to do with the meeting and I hadn't meant to get his attention. I quickly said out loud, "Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you."
"No, that's ok. What happened?" he asked. I explained that the moment he said the word heart my own chest felt like it was going to explode. He smiled and asked me to come to the front to pray for the man. I was unsure and not filled with faith. After a few moments of following his instructions and praying for the old man with the throat problem, the man's eyes got wide and excited. He smiled, and his eyes began to tear up. He started speaking. The swelling had gone down and he was feeling completely better. I was shocked.
This was my first time meeting Gary Best. From that time forward, my life has been changed with a desire and faith see God's kingdom become present in my life. I became aware that God's love was ready to intervene, to heal and to confront the evil of this world with the power of His Spirit. This book clearly articulates the main points of Gary's thesis- that the Good News of the gospel of Jesus is really "good news"; and that we are to join in the mission of Jesus and the early disciples to see that same good news demonstrated today.
The book is well written and very easy to follow. Beginning with Gary's personal story of his reluctant introduction to the "Naturally Supernatural", the author traces through the gospel of Mark and explores the challenges of the equally confounded first century apostles who found stepping out in faith as mystifying, yet necessary, if they were going to follow Christ. The author explores a logical progression of his own building faith through trial and error as the book teaches the reader about the gifts, seeing what God sees, prayer, empowerment, reaching out and persevering.
The content and personal exploration (and humility) of the author with the topics make the book not only easy to read but enjoyable. If you are the type of person that is skeptical about "healing", I'd recommend this book to you. Not because it argues indepth about theological points and wins the day, but because it balances nicely between the concepts, the scriptural underpinnings and personal examples. More than any other book I've read, "Naturally Supernatural" clearly articulates the passionate, yet thoughtful approach that is the main-stay of the Vineyard church's kingdom of God approach to ministry. What makes the book wonderfully Christ-centered, in my opinion, is it's unrelenting focus on God's love. As Best puts it:
"Our great encouragement," I told them, "is that we can't heal anyone. If anything is to happen, the critical factor will be God's faithfulness. What we can do, however, is love and then simply reach for all that God will gift us to do."1
Gary Best never allows the gifts become the "toy" or trophy of his teaching or practice. In "Naturally Supernatural", the place of healing and all supernatural gifts are the subordinated functionaries given to spread the good news of God's love to a broken world.
After reading through this book, I realized how much of Gary's teaching had been a lifelong dedication to seeing God's good news become reality for others. What I had encountered back in 1987 was just a sample of how God has continued to use Gary over the last 25 years and, by God's grace on his continued ministry, travel and writing, the good news of Jesus has been flourishing.
If you haven't read this book, I strongly encourage you to get it and read it. Very good, and very worthwhile!
Let me end with another personal story.
I just finished reading Gary Best's "Naturally Supernatural". That night, my family decided to drive to a small chicken stop in northeast Nashville (a unique place called "Prince's Hot Chicken Shack", very spicy). While we were eating, a lady walked by our table, talking across the room to a friend about her recent battle with cancer. When we were done eating, my son Jared told me he felt like he should pray for the lady before we left. I encouraged him to go with that compassion. My other son, Jordan, joined him. They approached the lady and soon were welcomed at her table. They listened intently, and with compassion, to the lady's story of her battle with cancer. Then they prayed with compassion and asked God to heal her completely. She began to tear up and hugged Jared. Other members of the table shook his hand and embraced him as well. My sons had prayed in faith, taken a risk of showing love to a stranger, and left trusting that God's faithfulness would have to prevail for the woman to be healed. As a parent, you're never quite sure how your "words of wisdom" are being heard by your kids. But the things I'd been introduced to in 1987 have impacted my life and, later, that of my children. And what I have continued to learn, my sons had been learning too.
What encourages me about Gary's book is that it's message is something that can be a teaching tool and lens through which people can better understand the kingdom of God and its practical application of the good news of Jesus.
If you are interested in reading something that will encourage you in learning about those things, I strongly encourage you to consider this book.
Amazon Link : http://amzn.to/13XrKcn
Order from the author directly at : naturallysupernaturalthebook.wordpress.com
Also, if you are interested in more about the author, or contacting him you can do so at this link: Gary Best.
In Christ's love,
Kim Gentes
1. Best, Gary (2005-03-01). Naturally Supernatural (Kindle Locations 1290-1291). Vineyard International Publishing. Kindle Edition.