Blank Paper in an Online World (by Kim Gentes @ Worship Web Tech Blog)
Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 5:08PM
Kim Gentes in Blog, Songwriting, Web, blank sheet music, cleff, free, kim gentes, printed music, sheet music, signature, staff, undefined

Blank Sheet MusicIt seems like an obvious contradiction, but oft is the time that I find myself with a desire to just get a clean piece of sheet music.  I could search through the city, trying to find a music store that still stocks blank sheet music, but I might find myself going crazy with the thought of fighting the guitar-hero crowd who ventures to a music store believing they can turn their gaming skills into playing abilities... but I digress.

Anyways, if you would like to print a peice of clean sheet music to your printer and have some ready to work, old fashion paper in the gritty edge of your fingers, then look no further- simply go to a new website that lets you print out blank sheet music pages, set up according to your specs.

The site is easy enough to navigate to :

There are no real hidden agendas here. Just a nice sleek tool for printing out blanks sheet music pages, that can be customized with standard musical info such as time signature, key signature, multi-staves, brakets, indentation, TAB/treble/bass and other signatures. Even the scaling is customizable, along with the orientation of the sheet.  This is a great little flash application that lets you do whatever you want to a customized blank peice of sheet music.  You can even choose from prebuilt templates for various instruments, store your own customizations and a bunch more.

The site is driven by ad words revenue and donations, but it is harmless enough and not invasive.

All in all, a nice little find on the web for musicians and songwriters.




Article originally appeared on Kim Gentes - worship leader and writer (
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