INTERN SOUND TECHNICIAN Responsibility To: Head Sound Technician Job Description: Purpose: To assist in producing the best possible atmosphere for worship through sound reinforcement. Tasks: 1. Sound check a) Need to be available 1 hour prior to service for sound check. b) Responsible for learning operation of sound system for sound check. c) Responsible for learning to get proper sound levels before service begins. 2. Setting/Mixing Sanctuary Sound for Worship Service a) Responsible for learning to get initial monitor sound levels / mixes before service begins in cooperation with the worship team. b) Responsible for learning to get initial sanctuary sound levels / mixes before service begins in cooperation with the worship leader. c) Responsible for learning to adjust sound levels during worship service. d) Responsible for following worship leader's direction during services. e) Responsible for learning to record the worship service. 3. Preaching a) Responsible for learning to mix speakers voice during messages. Learn to premix speaker's channel prior to service with speaker's cooperation. b) Responsible for learning to record the messages at service. 4. Background Music a) Responsible for background music before service begins. b) Responsible for background music during breaks. c) Responsible for background music after service is over. 5. Learning as an Intern Sound Technician a) Responsible for observing and learning operation of sound system throughout an entire service, at least once a month. b) Responsible for operating sound system during part of service while head sound technician is monitoring you, at least once every 2 months. Time Required: 2 hours per week, when scheduled. Length of Service: 6 months or less Qualifications & Skills Required: 1. A heart for worshiping God. 2. Must want to learn to trouble-shoot system and mix sound properly. 3. Must be able to follow head sound technicians direction. 4. Must have commitment to a local church Small Group. Training: 1. Worship Team Practice. 2. Worship Services. 3. OJT, conferences, books, and CDs/DVDs/podcasts relating to job function. Support: small group, Head Sound Technician, Worship Pastor available for individual needs with an appointment.