Entries in gifts (3)
Twelve Tips of Christmas - 12 Tips for Men Shopping at Christmas (ThinkJump Journal #62 with Kim Gentes)

It's the Christmas season and everyone is doing things in twelves. Here is a shout out to the guys shopping and some practical tips I've learned "the hard way". Hope they help!
If you have additional tips for your fellow man, feel free to post them below. I know there must be some great ideas out there others can share....
Here we go ...
Tip #12: What is her favorite thing to do? Don't know? Find out. Pick something she loves, then gift around it.
Tip #11: If you're completely locked up for ideas, try this- Her favorite romantic movie ever. BluRay. Amazon. Bam. Yes, you can get it digitally (AmazonPrime, etc), but a physical BluRay is nice to open.
Tip #10: Treat Christmas eve like the Apocalypse: you want to be plenty ready long before it arrives. Day of= CRAZY
Tip #9: Gift cards are not generally considered "a thoughtful gift" when giving to your spouse. Exceptions apply.
Tip #8: Don't press too hard when she is gone for an extra long time. She may have been shopping for you.
Tip #7: When necessary, it's OK to offer one of your children as your replacement co-shopper while you stay home.
Tip #6: The answer is "yes". Science tells us the ratio is: HerY = HisY * 10 where HerY=her yes, and HisY=his yes
Tip #5: Plan to go to at least 2 extra stores beyond her promised number. Prepare for it mentally and be ready.
Tip #4: Drink plenty of liquids. Keeps you hydrated, and a full bladder is a good excuse to leave any painful store.
Tip #3: Malls rule. When given choice, go to malls rather than standalone stores. Malls have food & sports scores.
Tip #2: Trust her instincts! Sounds counter intuitive, but do it. Even if she's wrong, you'll save time not arguing!
Tip #1: ABMTAE ! Which means- always be moving to an exit.
out shopping at the moment,
Kim Gentes