date Digital Worship NewsMUSIC: The Rock Won't Move;
BOOK: EntreLeadership (Ramsey); DOWNLOAD: Worship White Noise (Wilt)

Welcome to Digital Worship News, Edition 82. This issue focuses on three new resources. First is a review of "The Rock Won't Move" a very good collection of new songs from Vertical Church Band. Second, is a review of the small business leadership book "EntreLeadership" from Dave Ramey. Finally, "Worship White Noise" is a free e-book that you can download from author Dan Wilt!

Kim Gentes

REVIEW: "The Rock Won't Move"- Vertical Church Band

SPECIAL DOWNLOAD for DWN Readers: "The Rock Won't Move" FREE MP3 Download (see bottom of the review)

...Right from the first song, the latest album from Vertical Church Band is an uplifting and crystal clear sound track of modern worship with pristine studio production and inspiring songs. "Found in You" is a pounding opening track that declares

All we wanted, all we need is found in you
Found in you
Jesus every victory is found in you
Found in you

... The title track follows up as the third song on this album. This song is a unique melody and memorable chorus that uses brief references to "On Christ the Solid Rock" as the basis of it's theme. Again, the chorus is anthemic and the music perfect rock styled arrangements harkening to that Hillsong or Hillsong United formulae.

"Worthy, Worthy" starts off as a softer worship tune, highlighting the beautiful voice of Meredith Andrews. But the song soon becomes a powerful worship anthem as well, this time echoing the Revelation based heavenly chorus including part of the Sanctus refrain of :

Holy, holy is Lord God Almighty
Worthy, worthy is Your Name

What I love about this song is not just the glorious melody and vocals by Meredith Andrews but the lyrical acknowledgement of the limited understanding we truly have of the sovereign God, when she sings...

...The album is a well produced collection of inspiring songs with the clear aim of declaring the strength and singing of this victory of God. Several songs are very usable for corporate worship, and there is good bet that your church could find something off of this album that would inspire and encourage for your times of praise. I thought the album was excellent production and basically the perfect balance of presentation with "church usable" songs....

Read more here..

FREE DOWNLOAD! Our friends at Essential Worship were kind enough to extend a free download to our readers of the TITLE TRACK of this album "The Rock Won't Move". MAKE SURE TO READ the review and get the FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD (here).



BOOK REVIEW: "EntreLeadership" - Dave Ramsey

...I've read business books. I've read leadership books. But what I haven't read is a real, honest-to-goodness, practical play-book of how to do small business. Until now. Dave Ramsey's book, EntreLeadership, is just that- a fairly comprehensive and integrated manual for growing small businesses that (whether they know it or not) will need training in leadership development and core business skills. For those that don't know, Dave Ramsey is a radio show talk personality who largely is known for his on-air advice to callers on the topic of personal finance. Something of a combination of Suzie Orman and Clark Howard, with Christian values contextualizing his perspective, Ramsey is strongly opinionated but has proven to be practical and effective as an advisor on money matters, especially concerning the topic of debt.

Ramsey's advice and radio show have been the centerpiece of a company that also sells products and training services to millions of people looking to manage their finances and pay off their debts. The success of his sales of those goods and services has turned him into the leader of a small but growing and successful enterprise in its own right. The author clearly knows what it takes to actually build a business, and he understands how to effectively dissect and represent good thinking about the strategies that can be transferable to other people. In short, Ramsey is as capable a coach as he is an implementer, and this is a rare trait....

...Dave Ramsey is more "black-and-white" than most. And to be frank, this makes his book worth its weight in gold because he doesn't mince words. He has some opinions about how to get things done - sales for example- and they are about 99% right... small business leader should pass by a chance to read this book and put its points into practice. It really is a succinct and arduously well organized course that can do nothing but help anyone trying to "make it big" with their big idea. Ramsey is a great doer and an even greater instructor. Don't skip over EntreLeadership. You can't afford to. It's that good....

Read more here..



FREE DOWNLOAD: "Worship White Noise" by Dan Wilt

This issue we are pleased to give you access to the PDF download "Worship White Noise" by author Dan Wilt.

Worship White Noise
A Call For Change By Dan Wilt.

The contemporary worship experience has reached a saturation point. We all know it. Could a transformed vision of worship enable the Church to produce the next Walt Disney, Coldplay, or Nelson Mandela carrying the world view of Jesus – in addition to the next N.T. Wright, Chris Tomlin, or Mother Theresa? It's time to cut through the extraneous noise – the chaos – of the modern worship experience. We must recover worship’s world-altering melody once again. That melody is infinitely bigger than music, infinitely bigger than church services – and is the melody the cosmos has been waiting for us to sing. Download the new language for worship.

Free Download "Worship White Noise" by Dan Wilt.

Click here to download the free PDF!


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