FREE Song Friday: "Let Everything"

dateBelow is our feature for the free song for this month. Includes MP3, chord chart, and 3 different videos. Check it out, rate the song (on CCLI TV). and download the mp3.

In His love, Kim Gentes

Let Everything- Featured on CCLI TV


Free Song Friday!

The song "Let Everything" is our free song of the month. Here are the downloads for the free song:

  1. CCLI TV Song Video (Please watch video and "rate" song)!
  2. Additional resources (download here) for the song, which includes:
    1. MP3 Download.
    2. Chord chart Download.
    3. Song story video with Kim Gentes
    4. Instructional Guitar Video.

That's it! Blessings on this Friday!


Copyright © 2011 Kim Anthony Gentes. All Rights Reserved