Warning! Good Movie, Racy Approach
Overall Grade: | B+ |
Story: | A |
Acting: | A |
Direction: | B |
Visuals: | B |
Samuel Jackson, Christina Ricci and Justin Timberlake make serious statements in "Black Snake Moan", a movie too complicated to recite without giving away the reason to go see it in a theatre. But the complication is not the clarity of the plot, it is in the humaness of the lives of the people portrayed. These are real people. Broken people, with pain ridden lives. The events and connection might seem complicated, but the pain is simple- its the devastation of abuse, objectification of women, and sexual dysfunction.
Beyond that, you should see the movie yourself, if you want to learn something. But be warned- this movie is a torrid of language and scenes that will offend. No child at all should see this movie. NC-17 would have been a more appropriate rating.
While the three headliners (Jackson, Ricci and Timberlake) do their acting well, but most surprisingly Timberlake is convincingly human in his role as a dysfunctional, failed military recruit.
But the acting surprises are best left in the supporting actors roles where John Cothran Jr (who plays a forthright preacher) and Michael Raymond-James (who plays a completely despicable friend to Timberlake) each command their parts with perfection. They should be looked at for awards, in my opinion.
Again, only see this movie if you can handle explicit coverage of a tough topic related with sexual pain.
Don't- I repeat don't- bring your non-artsy, straight laced, people who don't understand the ethos of human struggle and pain. They will condemn you and everyone involved with the movie. And they may be right, but they would also miss a movie that actual hits head-on the topic of sexual abuse and lifelong additions and the roots of such behaviors. And how some parts of small-town America uses their attempts at Christian spirituality and "blues" music to face it.
For sure it is worth while; for sure it is interesting; for sure it is riveting. It just isn't for everyone. You've been warned.