Just Like Heaven (2005)
Saturday, August 20, 2005 at 10:19PM
Kim Gentes in Movie Review

justlikeheaven_releaseposter.jpgNot as bad, not as good

Overall Grade:C

I wish there was something to highlight from this film. I like Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo, and they do work well together as a tension of characters. But the story is weak, and even for those who want to believe in ghosts :) this movie will make you think it was written by one. The content is thin, vaporous and empty. There are plenty of attempts at emotion and endearment, but most fail. The moral lesson in the film goes from "make something worthwhile out of your life" to "don't give up on camatose patients". And just as you think the story might settle down into a direction, you realize that ther writer had no intent on a plot with brains. Instead, it ends like it begins with one unbelievable miracle after another to "resolve" the plot.

The characters are charming and warm, but just about everything else in the movie is dissappointing. I sure hope this isn't "just like heaven".

Article originally appeared on Kim Gentes - worship leader and writer (http://www.kimgentes.com/).
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